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How families can overcome the emotional turmoil of a sudden death

Author: Akilah Richards
Published: Jun 22 2013

Experiencing a sudden death of a loved one can be very difficult. There are so many issues that arise almost immediately, that the entire event can be more than overwhelming. In fact, the event can quickly turn into a major crisis without much warning.

While no one can be prepared for such an event, there are things that you can do and understand that will help you cope through this very rough period of your life.


Emotional Turmoil - Sudden Death

You must allow yourself to grieve. You have the right to be upset. You have the right to be angry. You have the right to be afraid. However, in order to minimize the chance of grief consuming your thoughts and actions, you must manage your grief so you can still function in day to day activities. Of course, this is much easier to state than to accomplish, so give yourself time to be with your immediate feelings, and then start to manage your grief in a positive manner. If you are having a hard time transitioning from total grief to manageable grief, consider counseling. Talking with others often helps people overcome this difficult period in your life.

Family and Friends

Your family and friends are your greatest resources. They will be there for you through the worst and best times. Do not be afraid to rely on them for some help. Their kindness and compassion will help you pull through this event.

Legal Assistance

You may be required to seek different types of legal assistance during this time. If the sudden death was the result of an accident, know that the laws vary greatly by state, so you may need to contact a wrongful death or personal injury attorney for assistance, often at no initial cost. For example, working with a wrongful death lawyer in NY may be beneficial for surviving family members who may not know their full legal rights in the state of New York against the negligent party. If the death was the result of natural event, you may need the assistance of a local attorney to help you straighten out estate and other financial issues.

Reassess The Situation

As you come to terms with the loss of your loved one, there will be many things that you must re-evaluate that you may have never considered before this event. Simple things such as career goals and financial matters will top the list. Many people find that the loss of their partner can cause major financial issues, and they must reconsider their employment options in order to continue living in the same manner. Living arrangements may also need to be re-evaluated. Some people find that they cannot live in the same area where the event took place because it is too painful; others find that they do not want to leave because it distances them from their memories. All of these thoughts and actions are normal.

The sudden death of a loved one can never be fully prepared for in any manner. We all make preparations for this type of event by preparing Wills, making financial decisions that will provide for our loved ones and ensuring our children are cared for if we die. However, emotionally, we can never be prepared for or fully accept the possibility that this could happen. It is possible to survive this type of event, but you must realize that it will take time.

Akilah Richards has worked as a legal assistant in various areas of U.S. law. She shares informative articles on legal choices and resources so that people can make informed decisions about how to proceed in varying legal matters. A wrongful death lawyer in NY can be of great assistance to New York area residents seeking legal advice during this unfortunate experience. The Perecman Firm, P.L.L.C. may prove to be a helpful resource.

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