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Planning eco-friendly remodeling for your new home while promoting savings

Author: Lisa Coleman
Published: Jul 7 2013

More homeowners today have been choosing to use eco-friendly designs when remodeling or building their houses. Not only are eco-friendly homes better for the environment, but they also have a great many distinct advantages for homeowners, such as lower utility bills, healthier and better quality air and even some tax incentives. Eco-friendly houses can be built both green on the inside and outside, as discussed below.

Planning eco-friendly remodelling


Green dwellings serve to preserve the environment and its natural resources. For instance, certain materials guard against the sun, cold and other elements, which means less energy consumption is necessary for electricity, gas and water. This allows homeowners to save on these necessary costs, while teaching future generations about protecting and respecting the planet. Also, using eco-friendly products to build homes lessens and prevents waste and contamination. This contributes to a healthier overall living environment for everyone.


Below are some tips for design of ecologically green exteriors.

1. Custom made doors are not only more energy-efficient, but they are more flattering on any house. The door is the entryway to the home. As such, it creates the viewpoint and how it is perceived by everyone who sees or walks through it.

2. Large double panel windows draws in the sun’s energy while keeping the cold out and are particularly useful on the north side of the structure.

3. Vinyl and cement siding on the exterior allows homes to use less energy, while also reducing waste and complementing the outer decor.

4. Monitors set with levels help to reduce both electricity and water use.

5. Solar panels strategically placed over the outside replace electricity for water heaters and other appliances.

6. Waste can be composted, and recycling garbage services used.

Oftentimes, when a house is being built is the best time to take the measures to make the exterior weather proofed as well as energy efficient, including using eco-friendly products. If remodeling an older home to update it, hire a professional remodeling company. One that specializes in making a home's exterior weather proofed and more energy efficient, like Calgary, Canada based remodeling company Greg Martineau Projects, is the ideal choice.


1. Use repurposed timber, lead-free paints and cellulose insulation.

2. Allow for healthier indoor air by using only enviro-friendly paint and other materials.

3. Use recycled tile, hardwood, bamboo and other materials rather than carpet. This is also better for relieving and preventing allergies due to dust, which could cut down on medical bills.

4. Have water saving devices installed on all sinks, toilets and showers. Rain water tanks reuse water for laundry, watering gardens and toilet flushing.

5. Double insulate the home throughout and in ceilings so that they will hold the sun’s heat.

6. Choose only energy efficient light bulbs and all household appliances, from refrigerators to stereo systems.

7. Be mindful of waste in terms of foods and other items. Plan meals to reduce visits to the store and for using less energy to prepare meals. Buy a set of outdoor dishes from a thrift store to use outside for barbecues, rather than paper plates.

Creating an eco-friendly home is easy with proper planning. Small changes like windows, siding and door installations and low-energy light bulbs can make a huge difference. Due to much technological advancement, nearly every aspect of a home can be made greener by using these alternatives.

While using some kinds of eco-friendly technology may seem expensive at the outset, over time, the money saved on energy will more than compensate the initial cost. Families who decide to use eco-friendly home design solutions are setting the best example for their communities and children, creating awareness and teaching them to respect the environment. Finally, using eco-friendly designs raises home values for sellers and attracts more conscientious homebuyers.

Lisa Coleman encourages the new home owner to consider remodeling or buying a home built with eco-friendly and energy efficient materials, adding to years of savings and the environment. Canada based remodeling company, Greg Martineau Projects, specializes in remodeling a home's exterior with superior materials that can winterize and weather proof the home from the coldest of harsh winters, while promoting large savings on energy with their custom built windows and doors.

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