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Guy has been talking other girls

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I have been talking to a guy I met on bumble for around 5 months now. We have met 6-7 times and over the last 2-3 times there has been cuddling and hand holding although there has been no talks to define relationship. Apart from the meetings, we text each other sometimes as well although the conversations there are not very long. I really like him and have gotten attached to him. He has been very respectful and nice. We were supposed to meet again this week and I wanted to take it forward with him and wanted to kiss him the next time we met (kissing is a big thing where I live). I was unsure about his feeling and anxious so I made a fake bumble profile to see if he is still active there. I matched with him over the weekend and he even suggested meeting up in person. I was really hurt by that . When he asked for meeting up, I messaged him saying I like him and I don't know how he feels and we probably want different things so I going to run before I get too attached. He probably thought it was nothing serious and asked if we were still on for the movie. I said no. He asked what has happened. I told him about the fake account and mentioned that i was not on bumble for anything specific, but not for anything casual for sure. At first he got defensive, saying that yes he is on bumble but he does not go around asking for anything, he just talks to people and comes back home. He then asked if I would like to meet him if he removed himself from bumble. He said he liked meeting me. But then he said chasing anything won't get him anywhere so it's up to me now if I want to meet him. Then I said that I don't want him to delete bumble just because of what I said. If he wants to keep using it, it's his choice, but I was sad over the fact that he'd want to meet other girls after what has happening over the last 2-3 dates. He then said that he's met 2 other girls after that for once. At this I said that I'm out. He said alright, sorry if I hurt you. And mentioned that he is traveling home on the weekend and he did not want anything casual. I said it was not your fault, I should have brought up my feelings with you before and taken it ahead from there and I understand that he is a very social person and likes to meet and talk to people and that is why he was talking to other girls and maybe me too. Then he said maybe it was his fault too. He had an idea how I might be feeling and he liked me too. it's just that none of his friends are committed and so he felt weird to be committed. He then asked if i'd like a call. he called but didn't talk about any of this and just tried to strike a conversation over my latest vacation. In the end, I said yes to the movie. We met for the movie and I kept my hands to myself. He was respectful about it but he did not talk about any of this. I really like and I don't think he is a bad person in general. Should I still meet him after this?

Guy has been talking other girls

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The guy's either ticked your boxes or he hasn't & it's up to you where you go with this 'friendship'. The guy's done the right thing but you guys aren't an item & who cares if he's on bumble; that's his business as you don't own him. It's up to you whether you want to move forward with him if he's the right sort of guy for you. Yeah sure it's ok that he has manners, but you have to discover whether he shares YOUR values & standards etc. You won't do that without seeing more of him but if he doesn't want commitment & you do, then it's not going work out is it?

Guy has been talking other girls

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Totally agree with Manalone.

Guy has been talking other girls

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Hi TTBY, My quick pennethworth... "(kissing is a big thing where I live)." Spell it! And can you recommend a good hotel? Haha! Being serious - I agree, too. He's too far behind you in terms of maturity and worldly-wisdom. I mean - "it's just that none of his friends are committed and so he felt weird to be committed" Seriously? Translation: "Baaaaaaaaaaa!" (Is his name Shaun?) I suspect the reason he didn't want to discuss it later in-person was because he hasn't got a clue how to handle something that deep and serious. ...Unlike you, Secret Squirrel (like your canny Private Detecting there!). You're far more intelligent, go-getting and dynamic than him, too. Clearly! Why are you choosing beneath yourself and then complaining when they undestandably don't come up to scratch due to the fact they're accordingly not at all ser-fis-ti-kay-tid? Are pickings that bad online these days? Is it still mainly freaks n geeks? And what the heck is Bumble, anyway? (God, I feel old!)

Guy has been talking other girls

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PS: ...although, he could just be Playing Dumb to get away with playing the field. I mean - 5 months is a long time in dating hours. Had you made it clear in your profile (advert) that you seeking more than just casual?

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