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Helping your colicky baby tips and tricks you need to know

Author: Kelly Kovacic
Published: Mar 14 2013

When your baby cries, it may indicate hunger, fatigue, discomfort or the need to be changed. However, if your baby is crying for long periods of time and for no apparent reason, he or she may have colic. Colic is a condition that affects young babies. There is no known singular cause, but the general consensus is that indigestion and gas pains are to blame. Colic is estimated to affect up to 30 percent of babies and usually begins a few weeks after birth.

Colicky baby

What Are the Symptoms of Colic?

The main symptom of colic is inconsolable crying, often accompanied by a red flushed face, clenched fists and tense stomach muscles. Sleep and feeding may be interrupted, but your baby should still be eating the same amount each day. Studies have shown that colicky babies still have a healthy appetite, so if you notice that your baby isn't eating normally, call your doctor immediately. The same goes for vomiting and diarrhea. These are not signs of colic and could potentially indicate a more serious problem.

Can Baby Bouncers Help Soothe Colic?

Holding your baby during a colicky outburst is always the best option, but when your hands are full and you need to put your baby down for a few minutes, consider putting him or her in a vibrating baby bouncer. The bounce bounce baby Bright Starts gives your baby the ability to lay back and rest, all while enjoying a calming, subtle vibration. Not only does this vibration help your baby to sleep, but it can also calm stomach pains and release gas bubbles faster.

Are There Any Special Measures to Help a Colicky Baby?

To help avoid colic episodes, always feed your baby at a 45 degree angle or higher. This will ensure that the least possible amount of gas ends up in the stomach. Keep your baby at this angle for at least 30 minutes after feeding and consider doing some gentle massage on his or her stomach to help break up gas bubbles. If sleeping is an issue, try putting your baby in a room with a white noise machine or running washer and dryer. Many parents have found that these things help aid sleep.

Can Supplements Help?

According to a recent study, probiotic supplements may be able to help. Researchers in Italy have discovered that a small dose of probiotics each day eased crying in newborns with colic. Past studies have indicated that colic may be linked to an imbalance of bacteria in the gut, and adding good bacteria could possibly remedy this. If you want to try a probiotic supplement for your baby, look for one specifically formulated for infants and talk to your doctor before use.

Having a colicky baby can be very distressing for a parent, but you can rest assured that the condition does not cause any long-term damage. Babies usually grow out of it after a few months, and then you will have a much more enjoyable stage of development to look forward to.

Kelly Kovacic wants new mothers to know that there is innovating baby gear that will even calm colicky babies. Items like bounce bounce baby Bright Starts from Kids ll, Inc. are exceptional. These baby bouncers have vibration that helps reduce gas and some have soft music that will soothe even babies who are suffering.

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