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Threads created: Jul 21 2024 to Jul 27 2024

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Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryHe still loves his ex what should i do
CREATED: Jul 27 2024 at 04:23 by user5196319

So hey guys! I met a guy and we started talking and meeting more often he also was my first kiss and we got like a little close, we spent a lot of time together and had a few similar problems. When I met him he got kicked out and so did i so we spent the whole night together outside. We met a few more times and had fun and he told me about his problems and i comforted him and everytime we met h...

Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryWhat did I do wrong? Did I wait too long to ask her for her number?
CREATED: Jul 26 2024 at 20:00 by adviceseeker1122

For context I’m 32 and never had a gf or a relationship before. I was part of a very conservative culture where dating wasn’t allowed, but I e become more independent recently and trying to date now I want to tell you about a situation I had. I feel like I learned from it and hopefully by the time you respond to this I will have had 1 or even multiple dates. So I went to this meetup for �...

Work advice forum category advice forum categoryAwkwardness with co worker?
[5 POSTS] CREATED: Jul 25 2024 at 15:41 by Katielee95 RESPONDENTS: Curlylocks / manalone LAST POST: Jul 27 2024 at 02:42

so ive been at my job for two years and have been able to make some sort of friendly conversation with everyone except for one person and its so awkward. We both went to high school together and he was a huge douche to me and tried to make fun of me if i remember correctly. Now hes very respectful to me but we dont have anything to say to each other when its just us in the room. a few years ago...

Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryI think our relationship is breaking down
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Jul 25 2024 at 02:14 by Curlylocks RESPONDENTS: manalone LAST POST: Jul 25 2024 at 18:27

My foreign partner returns home often on his own country. I don't mind him traveling without me as his family doesn't speak English and lives in the country where there's nothing to do. I found out recently his best friend was getting married and I felt a little saddened because I wasn't invited to the happy occasion, his best friend lived in my local town in the UK for a c...

Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryShould i break up with my emotionally distant boyfriend?
[1 POST] CREATED: Jul 21 2024 at 14:22 by salem RESPONDENTS: lily31 LAST POST: Jul 22 2024 at 09:35

Hello and thank you for taking the time to read this! My boyfriend (21) and I (20) have been in a loving relationship for about 3 years. We had many issues but we always worked through them together. Recently, around 3 months ago, his behavior shifted and he started acting really different towards me and because we are in a long distance relationship at the moment, i can‘t really tell if his ...