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Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryHe still loves his ex what should i do
CREATED: Jul 27 2024 at 04:23 by user5196319

So hey guys! I met a guy and we started talking and meeting more often he also was my first kiss and we got like a little close, we spent a lot of time together and had a few similar problems. When I met him he got kicked out and so did i so we spent the whole night together outside. We met a few more times and had fun and he told me about his problems and i comforted him and everytime we met h...

Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryWhat did I do wrong? Did I wait too long to ask her for her number?
CREATED: Jul 26 2024 at 20:00 by adviceseeker1122

For context I’m 32 and never had a gf or a relationship before. I was part of a very conservative culture where dating wasn’t allowed, but I e become more independent recently and trying to date now I want to tell you about a situation I had. I feel like I learned from it and hopefully by the time you respond to this I will have had 1 or even multiple dates. So I went to this meetup for �...

Emotional advice forum category advice forum categoryI feel like my life is falling apart
[265 POSTS] CREATED: Oct 15 2023 at 03:13 by Thea1 RESPONDENTS: Soulmate / doggydilemma LAST POST: Jul 27 2024 at 05:13

My partner of 8 years went to prison almost 8 months ago. I am struggling with loneliness and trying my best to survive financially. I had found a roommate to help but that fell through in spectacular fashion. I really need someone to talk to. The alone is starting to weigh on me....

Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryWorldneedstrust
[14 POSTS] CREATED: Jun 18 2024 at 14:18 by blueonblue RESPONDENTS: manalone / Soulmate LAST POST: Jul 27 2024 at 05:05

Stepfather Issue. Three weeks ago completely unprovoked he was name calling and mean spirited. Due to a domestic violence situation I needed somewhere to stay in a hurry. He refused me. I was hurt and distraught. Police got me a Hotel. I'm still in it. Out of the blue he calls me. As though nothing happened between us. Says where are you? I do not tell. Says he ca...

Health advice forum category advice forum categoryAutism - Who am I?
[14 POSTS] CREATED: Jun 28 2024 at 02:03 by No_one RESPONDENTS: Soulmate LAST POST: Jul 27 2024 at 04:34

Dear reader, I'm a 16 yo girl who is very probably autistic (runs in the family and my parents recognised it in both me and my brothers, a psychologist specialised in autism recognised it years ago and this year my autistic family doctor and current psychologist recognised it too. Im currently waiting for an appointment with a psychiatrist to get more information.) Anyways, I've la...

Work advice forum category advice forum categoryAwkwardness with co worker?
[5 POSTS] CREATED: Jul 25 2024 at 15:41 by Katielee95 RESPONDENTS: Curlylocks / manalone LAST POST: Jul 27 2024 at 02:42

so ive been at my job for two years and have been able to make some sort of friendly conversation with everyone except for one person and its so awkward. We both went to high school together and he was a huge douche to me and tried to make fun of me if i remember correctly. Now hes very respectful to me but we dont have anything to say to each other when its just us in the room. a few years ago...

Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryI think our relationship is breaking down
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Jul 25 2024 at 02:14 by Curlylocks RESPONDENTS: manalone LAST POST: Jul 25 2024 at 18:27

My foreign partner returns home often on his own country. I don't mind him traveling without me as his family doesn't speak English and lives in the country where there's nothing to do. I found out recently his best friend was getting married and I felt a little saddened because I wasn't invited to the happy occasion, his best friend lived in my local town in the UK for a c...

Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryShould i break up with my emotionally distant boyfriend?
[1 POST] CREATED: Jul 21 2024 at 14:22 by salem RESPONDENTS: lily31 LAST POST: Jul 22 2024 at 09:35

Hello and thank you for taking the time to read this! My boyfriend (21) and I (20) have been in a loving relationship for about 3 years. We had many issues but we always worked through them together. Recently, around 3 months ago, his behavior shifted and he started acting really different towards me and because we are in a long distance relationship at the moment, i can‘t really tell if his ...

Emotional advice forum category advice forum categoryI'm scared of losing all my friends
[21 POSTS] CREATED: Jul 10 2024 at 21:33 by Gawain_Not_Wayne RESPONDENTS: Soulmate LAST POST: Jul 21 2024 at 03:36

I used to be very shy but I overcame it and got myself a big social life. It comprised several sets of friends, my college friends from the 1990s to whom I've been Best Man at a wedding of two of them and I'm Godfather to the children of two of the couples. I shall refer to them as the Old group. One day, we met a DJ at my local pub and we used to go to another town to his gigs and th...

Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryProposal ultimatum / am I overthinking / or in toxic relationship?
[105 POSTS] CREATED: Feb 2 2024 at 14:06 by Abcd123 RESPONDENTS: manalone / Soulmate LAST POST: Jul 21 2024 at 02:17

Hi, So I've been in a relationship for 3.5 years. Upa and downs of course. Though for a while now I've been feeling trapped/ stressed, so been doing research and I don't think I am respected and maybe with someone with a narcissistic tendencies. I feel I have been love bombed and then screamed at. My needs have not been met for the last few years, loads of little things that ...

Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryA dream
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Jul 18 2024 at 10:19 by Missy’s RESPONDENTS: Soulmate LAST POST: Jul 20 2024 at 18:30

Stayed in a caravan five days. Said to my husband I would like to live in one. They are home from home and easy to keep. It’s a dream that’s all I have and if I won the lottery I would buy one. He said, How are you supposed to get one. We haven’t the money to buy one it was just a dream and I told him it was just a dream like if we could move away to live somewhere else I would. It’...

Other advice forum category advice forum categoryParents split up
[1298 POSTS] CREATED: Oct 13 2016 at 15:33 by lily31 RESPONDENTS: Scopes / Soulmate / Fugnuk / seriouslyme / Steven Bradford / Altreal / Richard B / Hooo! / Tiredoflife / manalone / Caroline Kjeldgard / chatthegreenmile / docPpineapple LAST POST: Jul 18 2024 at 15:34

Hi My parents split up just over 2 months ago which came as a total shock to me, I didn't see it come at all, as far as I knew they were fine. There were no obvious signs no arguments, no distance or issues that could of put strain on there relationship and they've always supported each other through everything. the night before they broke up they were snuggled on the sofa together wa...

Relationships advice forum category advice forum categorySo hurt that my adult kids are excluded from family event
[3 POSTS] CREATED: Jun 10 2024 at 15:08 by soconfused12345 RESPONDENTS: alexleee / Chances400 LAST POST: Jul 18 2024 at 14:21

Went to a family bar mitzvah. The first grandchild of my closest sister which I refer to as sister 2. I was told by my nephew who is giving the event that no cousins are invited when the invites went out since my kids didn't receive an invite. Then I found out when going to the event that my other sister (1), kids and grandkids were all invited. I refer to her sister one. I was invited wi...

Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryI cannot imagine a woman wanting to be in a relationship with me
[43 POSTS] CREATED: Mar 16 2024 at 20:43 by V6079 RESPONDENTS: Soulmate / Don_292 LAST POST: Jul 17 2024 at 22:28

I have been alone for years now. But I would really like to share a bond with a lady. However I have so much distain and self-loathing I cannot imagine anyone wanting to be with me. I'll see a lady who I really like and all I can think is that it would be terrible for her and I would ruin her life. I find myself caught in these cycles and despiring. I have tried to destroy these elem...

Emotional advice forum category advice forum categoryJealous of best friend
[152 POSTS] CREATED: Jan 12 2024 at 23:37 by Wt51 RESPONDENTS: Soulmate / nav LAST POST: Jul 17 2024 at 21:09

Ok so im 18 years old and recently my best friend- or my only friend moved away. I stayed at our hometown with my parents even though i wanted to leave but we couldn't afford that. I was initially jealous because of that but i got over it quickly. Anyways, my main concern right now is that i feel like i am missing out on life. I go to uni but i havent really met anyone i like. I have people ...

Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryHow do you let go of hate for someone?
[4 POSTS] CREATED: Jul 13 2024 at 17:21 by Cheesecake101 RESPONDENTS: manalone / Soulmate LAST POST: Jul 17 2024 at 01:09

I had a person in my life who I had known since school, who has always been a bit of an issue. They always seem to test the limits of people, make jokes about them and take things too far. We had lost a few friends due to this. I'm not too sure why I stayed friends as long as i did. I guess because it came in waves, sometimes things were good, sometimes bad. In all truth I should of stop...

Online Dating advice forum category advice forum categoryMixed signals buddy
[3 POSTS] CREATED: Jul 5 2024 at 06:15 by Lilith_kurt_cobain<3 RESPONDENTS: manalone / Soulmate LAST POST: Jul 16 2024 at 16:31

I honestly don't know what he wants anymore Basically me and this guy I met on a piano site (long story) and for a while we just kinda chilled until a month ago he said he liked me more then a friend. The problem is he doesn't want a relationship I'm okay with this but he tends to get mad or possessive. For example ontime I went camping for three days and when I messaged ...

Long Distance Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryMeeting Him on Saturday! Please Help! URGENT
[5 POSTS] CREATED: Jul 15 2024 at 09:21 by Rehman10! RESPONDENTS: manalone / Soulmate LAST POST: Jul 16 2024 at 16:18

Hello! I am here after my friend told me about this forum. I want to share my story and ask for genuine opinion. I am almost 29 and was looking for a guy on online marriage app (Just like my friend). So I found an amazing guy. We are from the same ethnic background. He is well-settled, has a great job, is in middle east. His father died 10 years ago. Has 1 brother who has been married for 8 ye...

Elderly advice forum category advice forum categoryTroublesome inlaws
[1 POST] CREATED: Jul 9 2024 at 17:12 by Lazarevo RESPONDENTS: Soulmate LAST POST: Jul 11 2024 at 11:51

I live in the Midwest with in-laws in New York City. My husband was traumatized growing up in a dangerous neighborhood in NYC and feels he cannot return even for a visit. His mother is in NYC and is now dying in a care home in NYC after a brief illness at home. She is 94.My husband was used to calling her several times a week. She has been moved to a hospice section, and there's no phone i...

Work advice forum category advice forum categoryMy family needs a big change of scenery
[6 POSTS] CREATED: Jul 6 2024 at 13:30 by Seneca99 RESPONDENTS: manalone / Soulmate LAST POST: Jul 8 2024 at 00:12

In many respects, I should have enough. I co-own a successful small business, so money is never an issue. I have three kids in college and we are paying their tuitions. But we have sustained so much trauma along the way, for the mental health of a few members, I have come to the conclusion that we need a very large change. Briefly, over the past few years, two of my three kids have been di...

Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryHow do I talk to my wife about her hygiene without starting a fight?
[4 POSTS] CREATED: Jul 7 2024 at 12:36 by MyOnlineName RESPONDENTS: Soulmate LAST POST: Jul 7 2024 at 23:21

I am struggling to find loving way to talk to my wife about her hygiene. Over the past couple of years (really since our second kid was born about 3 years ago) I've noticed my wife has been neglecting her hygiene. In the beginning of our relationship when we were in high school, we were both very involved in athletics and so would need to shower daily just to keep up, but then once we got...

Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryI still can’t get over a married man
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Jun 16 2024 at 14:07 by Kelbell81 RESPONDENTS: pantherjoeorange / Soulmate LAST POST: Jul 7 2024 at 20:18

About 8-9 years ago I met this man online. I was stupid enough to fall for his lies and believed him when he told me he was separated even though they still lived together, he was making plans to leave. That never happened. Unfortunately by then I’d fallen for him and we would see each other now and then, he works full time and lives about 4-5 hours drive away. We hadn’t seen each other for a ...

Legal advice forum category advice forum categoryHow do i get rid of this issue?
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Jun 20 2024 at 19:33 by icanbuymyselfflowers RESPONDENTS: Soulmate LAST POST: Jul 7 2024 at 19:17

Girl my age making trouble and humiliating me. I can never go out and do what i want anymore and people are starting to shun me. I have no one now but my family. is this a legal issue...

Health advice forum category advice forum categoryI'm worried about myself
[3 POSTS] CREATED: Jun 22 2024 at 00:21 by icanbuymyselfflowers RESPONDENTS: Soulmate LAST POST: Jul 7 2024 at 19:16

What do people mean by activities to do? I can never find anything near me, im so lonely i might have to go back to the hospital. my therapist is not sending me there or thinking i need it but i do. I have no friends and am 28 years old. This has been going on for months now. Maybe i should just run away? unsure....

Work advice forum category advice forum categoryI don't know if I should continue to follow my dream...
[8 POSTS] CREATED: Jun 8 2024 at 22:10 by CosmosMeena RESPONDENTS: pantherjoeorange / icanbuymyselfflowers / Soulmate / pinkspots LAST POST: Jul 6 2024 at 23:21

Hi ! I'm almost 21 and I'm studying theater (just so you know, I'm not american so excuse me if I make spelling mistakes...). I wish to become an actor since I'm young and I'm majoring theater at college while studying in a conservatory (theater school). Despite this, I never been in a real project once. I feel old. Maybe 21 is young in society but not in theater'...

Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryIs his ex really just a friend?
[6 POSTS] CREATED: May 1 2024 at 17:35 by Kittykitty1 RESPONDENTS: Soulmate / Stillstuck LAST POST: Jul 6 2024 at 23:11

Hi everyone. I could really use some advice. So I have started a new relationship with someone. We have been together for almost a month now, so very early days. He's honestly very amazing. He's attentive, kind, makes me feel special, makes time for me, etc. He's pretty perfect and everything that I have been looking for in a partner but there is just one thing that I can't sto...

Work advice forum category advice forum categoryNo job and no life
[13 POSTS] CREATED: Jun 5 2024 at 15:57 by icanbuymyselfflowers RESPONDENTS: Soulmate LAST POST: Jul 6 2024 at 22:53

for the past couple of years, i have been unemployed and i cant seem to get any help from family. I am also working with someone professionally and she isnt resolving the issue. She just suggest to keep working with the company she works at and to be more patient. This is not helping me get anywhere and im ready to give up. ive also got a sibling in the mix who doesnt want me doing anythning- work...

Education advice forum category advice forum categoryJob or grades
[2 POSTS] CREATED: Jul 1 2024 at 05:43 by Aaaaaa1234568890 RESPONDENTS: manalone / Soulmate LAST POST: Jul 1 2024 at 20:47

I'm planning to move out when I turn 18. Now I'm 17, which is only nearly one more year to go. I know I don't have much time, so I literally put all my time in learning the knowledge that's required for the job as well as completing my portfolio. I can go to university, it's not that I don't have a choice. It's just, I hate my family, the way they treated me, ...

Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryDo I end my relationship?
[3 POSTS] CREATED: Jun 24 2024 at 23:38 by Anonymoulyanonymous RESPONDENTS: manalone / Soulmate LAST POST: Jun 30 2024 at 23:53

I have been with my bf for a year and a half and although we have a great relationship, it’s been turbulent. We both own our own homes and I moved in with him full time 6 months ago. I still own my own house and we have talked at length about me renting my house out. I have made arrangements for my home to be rented and now my bf is panicking. He says he is confused about how he feels abou...

Relationships advice forum category advice forum categoryEx fiancé wants to meet
[10 POSTS] CREATED: Jun 22 2024 at 03:44 by Stillstuck RESPONDENTS: manalone / Soulmate LAST POST: Jun 29 2024 at 20:36

My ex of 2 years recently asked if I wanted to have dinner. I agreed. This comes after I reached out to him a year or so ago ( he ended things) to see if we could meet. My intentions being to try again. He agreed to talk via text first and ultimately decided not to meet me and ended it with he will always have feelings for me, wished me the best etc. It was at that moment I finally decided to let ...