I'm fifty years old. I've overcome shyness and social anxiety, and thanks to thousands of pounds of private therapy, I overcame self-harming too. My sister is sixty-eight and my brother is sixty-four. My brother has severe mental health issues and is on benefits, and my sister is my mother's carer. Neither have worked for decades. My father died in 2012, and my mother is ninety...
Ladies I need some advice. I will be honest.I'm 25 years old girl and I haven't had classic sex yet. I normally act as a sexy, confident, attractive woman who has many men around me and they want me so bad ,but none of those men or friends around me know that I haven't had proper sex yet.( because of one negative experience when I was a teenager) But other sexual acts yes. Every tim...
I'll do my best to break this down but it may be slightly long. Please read it and help. I don't know what to do.. My husband & I have been together for almost 7 years. We moved into his grandmother's house in 2019 so I could take care of her due to her diagnosis of SCLC. We bought her home from her and have a receipt to prove it. The title was misplaced at that point, which...
I'm having relationship issues with my long term partner. I've realised after 30+ years just how immensely different we are. I very much admired many of his attributes. Such as his intelligence and excellent writing. I believed he admired my imagination and strong opinions. I have always been a bit of a muso and romance movie buff. I use to walk around the house singing...
I need to know if I am overthinking things or am I right on the money!! I have been with this dude for going on 4 ta 5 years and we have been thru some shit.... But when we argue he calls me names and is so mean and hateful... He swears I am childish or always starting shit.... If I ask a question he says you ask too many questions or he will avoided the question all together....any t...
Hi Marked this under 'other' as really not sure what category to put it under and will try and keep it as short as possible. I recently met up with a woman I used to work with that I really liked ,after about 4 years. In the time in between we'd chat on WhatsApp but it was always me that initiated it and not her. Anyway we met a couple of weeks ago for coffee and spent a good...
Ok so im 18 years old and recently my best friend- or my only friend moved away. I stayed at our hometown with my parents even though i wanted to leave but we couldn't afford that. I was initially jealous because of that but i got over it quickly. Anyways, my main concern right now is that i feel like i am missing out on life. I go to uni but i havent really met anyone i like. I have people ...
Me (31, female) and my friend (30, female) had a fight over text messages. Background: I am sine a year and a half and especially currently in bad health. I get my work done and some of my household tasks, but after that, I’m usually exhausted due to severe pain and other symptoms like dizziness, brain fog, and concentration problems, which can even lead to panic attacks. On weekends, I mos...
Hi For the last 2 years, my husband’s sister and her husband have decided to not acknowledge me. I am unaware of any wrong doings or offences for this. We were never especially close family members but seemed to get along for the last 35 years. However, a campaign of terror started has started in the last 6 months, such as shouting vile language at me, driving past me extremely slowly and...
Hello all! On here looking for advice about a situation with boyfriend I've been having. So backstory: my boyfriend and I were in a relationship for until just ten days shy of making it a year. Both himself and I were never in a relationship of that length before in our lives before we met each other through a friend of his back in September of last year. The friend and I had met on a da...
Hi My parents split up just over 2 months ago which came as a total shock to me, I didn't see it come at all, as far as I knew they were fine. There were no obvious signs no arguments, no distance or issues that could of put strain on there relationship and they've always supported each other through everything. the night before they broke up they were snuggled on the sofa together wa...
I work for a non-profit and we offer free day camps to kids in need thanks to various grants I apply for. Since it's free though, we often don't have nearly as many kids show up as who registered. This is a shame because it's a great program, and our team puts a lot of effort into planning and implementing everything. It also means our participant numbers are lower and this could af...
I feel so stuck. I want to be decent at art so badly, and while I have improved, I’m just not where I want to be. I’m terrified I’m gonna wake up one day and not have my passion to keep trying despite it all. I just had surgery a few days ago and am anxious to get back into drawing but I guess a silly part of me thinks I will have regressed my skill in the few days I haven’t created. Up...
Okay I know this is a lot, but once I explain you'll see why I am seeking advice. So, my fiancé and I currently live in Salem, Oregon. We were brought here by someone who was considered a friend at the time. Let me say my fiancé had a work accident and destroyed his back and has stenosis in his neck so he can't work. Yes, we are currently working on applying for disability but it...
I have a very weird bad habit of hating to wear full sleeves, full pants and sweaters at home during winters. I do wear winter clothes outside. At home, it is necessary to wear warm clothes like sweater, full sleeves and full pants. I always like to wear half shirt and half pant even in this winter season. Not wearing warm clothes will increase my chances of catching cold, asthma and pneumonia...
Hi all! I am not sure of these types of updates are allowed on here or not. I kind of lost track of the time and the last thread expired. @SOULMATE How's everything? So life update - I have since finally moved out of my hometown to another city for work. And then to another city again within the span of 5 months to pursue a part time course in science. I always wanted to go into scien...
I’m a girl and I think I like other girls. I’m also Muslim but I don’t practice (working on it). I was raised by my loving, immigrant mother who’s extremely homophobic but I don’t care because she’ll never know; it’ll hurt her if she find out and I love her too much for that. I love God and I do believe in Him and, contrary to most people, I don’t believe God hates me because I ...
The beginning of November, I started to volunteer at a food pantry. I go in 4 days a week for 4 hours at a time. There are always different people volunteering on different days. On Mondays, there is a woman who comes in for 2 hours just on that day. The second Monday I came in, I was trying to help her and she says, does it look like I need your help and then she states that I will not stop her f...
Hi all. What's brought me to this forum is the desire to seek 3rd party advice / opinions on my predicament. In my Immediate family there is my dad, sister, nephew and myself. I'm 33, sister is 44 and nephew 25. Over the last several years I've grown tired and angry at my sisters and nephews lifestyles. My sister is drama orientated, an alcoholic and general emotional mess a...
I feel guilty, yet also abused. It ruined my relationship with him and my family. It's something I've been thinking about and needing to get off my chest for a good while. His name was Christopher. We aren't friends anymore. He cut me off because "we" were starting to feel like too much for him to handle. It's all my fault. I just wanted him to be happy, to stay wi...
This is not the world's most interesting problem, but I am at a place where I'm not sure what to do, and don't feel comfortable telling family and friends. I am currently in college (undergrad) and am in a program that I am investing a lot of time into. within this program, we have graduate student mentors, who we obviously see a lot. I have a terrible, terrible crush on one of ...
I am 19 years old, and my younger female cousin is 14 years old. She recently went to a new school for 8th grade this year. She has developed a crush on a 43 year old teacher. She claims it's not a crush and that she constantly thinks about him, etc, but I believe that it's disturbing. She knows it's disturbing, but has "undeniable feelings" for this man 3 times her...
In 2014, I came late to a class. Teacher made me sit on the floor. After a while, he said "Your father has paid fees. Move this side so you can see the board and take value of the fees." There was no room to move, so I said "Sir, it's okay." He said "Its okay if you dont take value of the fees?" And entire class laughed. I am not able to sleep and live my life. T...
Hey everyone. I'm brand new here so sorry if this is too long, but here goes. I've been wondering lately if my husbands best friend for decades has feelings for me. He is married too and has an adult daughter. He (best fiend) is a very reserved person and not touchy feely at all. My husband has shared with me he doesn't like hugs etc much but her does hug my husband. Well, after a f...
My uncle (eary 80s) bought my condo for me, to prevent me from living on the streets. He has acted as my landlord since that itme. My sister (mid-50s) has largely taken over for him. I would like for him to stop taking on so many commitments (to other people, more than me) but he insists. He thinks that if he doesn't oversee and administer repairs, that things will go wrong. Both of them rese...
First some background. I volunteered at a food pantry for a couple of years and became friendly with a couple that worked there. They had invited me to cookouts and birthday parties. There was an incident with their boss and I left the volunteer position. About a week later, they asked to borrow $300 and said they would pay me back the end of the following month. That timeline came and went and no...
My mother set me up a court law trap. A couple of years earlier a stranger sued me for absolutely lies and the court was recently. My mother persuaded me to use her lawyer and while I was certain I would be declared innocent she threatened me the court eve that she would have me condemned. In fact this is what happened luckily a suspended sentence. Now my mother threatens me that other unknown...
Hi, So I've been in a relationship for 3.5 years. Upa and downs of course. Though for a while now I've been feeling trapped/ stressed, so been doing research and I don't think I am respected and maybe with someone with a narcissistic tendencies. I feel I have been love bombed and then screamed at. My needs have not been met for the last few years, loads of little things that ...
Hey guys. Back with another problem. Characters are: James (my grandfather), me and neighbor we will call Karen. So I live with my grandfather. I've been living with him since I was 18, im 21 now. My grandfather moved into an apartment complex when construction on it was completed and he really likes it here, even though it consists of both senior citizens and younger citizens with lots of...
An elderly woman who lives by herself next to me, who has a mentally ill daughter (psych ward level). She likes to manipulate the people in our neighborhood and lie/gossip about the ones she doesn't like. Whenever I'm outside talking on the phone, she'll go out on her porch to shout out random bullshit. Yesterday when I was walking my dog I overheard her talking to her daughter over...
My boyfriend and I have been together 2 1/2 year (we'd know each other longer before that too) and recently I've been feeling like I may have made the wrong decision in dating him. I would ask for a break or break or off but we've bought a house together and we have two dogs together and financially he supports us more. I could do it on my own but honestly the thought of leaving a...
Hello, I just joined this community as I am trying to find some guidance in life. I finished my degree, currently doing Erasmus internship and I feel so lost in life, work and the career. I know I am not suppose to know much as I am just starting but I feel severely unprepared even according to my current colleagues and when I look at others in similar situation after graduating, they are much ...
(Keep in mind there's a human behind this post. I will ignore trolls anyways : I'm saying this to remind people that there's no "vilain" to search for. The title may seem "harsh" but that's just the reality of things, it doesn't change how nice and empathetic I can be. Thanks.) I hate this situation. There's many things in my life that m...