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Do I end my relationship?

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I have been with my bf for a year and a half and although we have a great relationship, it’s been turbulent. We both own our own homes and I moved in with him full time 6 months ago. I still own my own house and we have talked at length about me renting my house out. I have made arrangements for my home to be rented and now my bf is panicking. He says he is confused about how he feels about this next step. It’s come as a shock to me because he seemed onboard with me renting my home. I have said to him that if he is unsure about me renting my home, then I will move back in as I cannot afford to pay for my bills while also contributing to his. When I have said this, he said he doesn’t want me to go. A bit of context into the relationship- he lost his job last year and this massively affected him. He does have a new job now but he is dissatisfied with it. We lost a baby in January. The relationship has had a lot of strain but we have remained together and up until this point- positive. He speaks about marriage and having kids with me. I’m just confused by this whole thing. Do I cut my loses and end the relationship and move on? Or, is he just having some sort of existential crisis because things are changing? Any advice would be great. Thanks!

Do I end my relationship?

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The man should be supporting you with your actions of renting your home as you moving in, have been supporting him whether you realise it or not. When you live with him, you're paying your way & does your BF expect you to sell your home so the money's handy? or what is it? You need to wary of a man who only speaks of marriage & having kiddies, especially given your circumstances & your relationship's history, rather than making it happen. There should be no crisis if he really loved you & therefore would support you in every way. You guys lost a baby & that alone will either bring you together closer or push you apart without the issues of him losing his job etc. You alone can determine which way it's gone. You either trust that your man is the one to share your life with (& your gut will tell if you do) or you can move back to your home & get on with your life & wait for him to get his head in order or you look elsewhere for what you need. Furthermore, your BF's unhappiness is creating your confusion, but it's his to sort or do you want to hang around to help him? In conclusion, it's come to the stage in your relationship that it's about your happiness being with a man who hasn't a clue what he needs at the moment.

Do I end my relationship?

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Agree! Only, he's not confused, Anonymouly. Just a liar-duper. This is a very Old Chestnut...Narcissistic-Sociopath attitude/behaviour. He doesn't want any commitment, just your ongoing help paying for his lifestyle while he pretends he's in this for the long haul (google Narcissistic-Sociopath Selfish-to-the-point-of-evil Gigalo-parasite. The 'at-length' discussions were just him fooling you in order to buy himself more time. So now he's panicking because if you give up your own pad, he won't be able to suddenly end things without-warning and have you move-out there-and-then without looking more like the git he is (and you might tell other target-victims-in-waiting thus poison his scamming pool). Seen this too many times. Sorry. :( Tomorrow I'll find you a pertinent web link (if the web doesn't spit me out again) and/or a past thread belonging to another poster who found herself manipulated into your position. Bear with....

Do I end my relationship?

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Sorry, just noticed the end of my sentance fell off! "....while he pretends he's in this for the long haul (google "Narcissistic-Sociopath - Future Faking").

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