A dream
MISSY’S - Jul 18 2024 at 10:19
Stayed in a caravan five days. Said to my husband I would like to live in one. They are home from home and easy to keep.
It’s a dream that’s all I have and if I won the lottery I would buy one. He said, How are you supposed to get one.
We haven’t the money to buy one it was just a dream and I told him it was just a dream like if we could move away to live somewhere else I would. It’s like I should not have dreams or want things different or to want better and should be happy with what I’ve got.
Like I should not want to move anywhere else because I should be content and not want to live somewhere different.
He is 58 I’m 54.
I think he is settled in his ways and being two years of 60 is probably why.
I want things to change sometimes and he just seems to go with the flow and just want to do the same thing over and over and not want different in his life.
I LOVE caravans! I'm with you!
(Hi Missy's, btw, haha) (...Missy's what?)
Questions on behalf of all respondents:
"How are you supposed to get one."
1. YOU?
That was interesting. If you're married, there is no You in matters material and fiscal, it's WE because legally you have 'become one', meaning 50/50 ownership.
2. What's your living and working set-up?
"It’s like I should not have dreams or want things different or to want better and should be happy with what I’ve got."
3. What - consistently? And since when in the marriage (or even prior to)?
"He is 58 I’m 54.
I think he is settled in his ways and being two years of 60 is probably why."
60 is the new 40.
4. Ditto - when during the marriage did this stuck-in-a-rut attitude start?
"I want things to change sometimes and he just seems to go with the flow and just want to do the same thing over and over and not want different in his life."
5. IS it that you (as a couple) can't afford one (eg. aren't caravans hire-purchase-able?) or is that just his excuse?
If so, it sounds like you're on the cusp of a path to his experiencing a very, very BIG 'difference in his life' and he should watch it.
6. Does he spend on himself, things he decides and 'justifies' you need or that he wants? Or is he scared of life?...recovering from something?
7. How is he with your birthdays, anniversaries and xmases, including pressies?
RsVP, Gypsy-ish cherie! :)
PS - Q8. How does this make you feel (not think - FEEL):
Oh wait - Q9: what nationality/which country you in? You sound British?