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I don't know if I should continue to follow my dream...

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Hi ! I'm almost 21 and I'm studying theater (just so you know, I'm not american so excuse me if I make spelling mistakes...). I wish to become an actor since I'm young and I'm majoring theater at college while studying in a conservatory (theater school). Despite this, I never been in a real project once. I feel old. Maybe 21 is young in society but not in theater's buisness (especially for women). Tonight, I just finished my last school presentation and I was ashamed by how I played. I feel like I'm not good enough despite practicing since I'm 10. I never passed any castings, and this year, I failed to enter 3 of the most prestigious theater schools in my country. I also feel "restreined" by my actual school because I feel I do not improve, but I'm to attached to my classmates to change. And because nothing is happening except school projects, I'm spending time scrolling on Youtube or Internet and doing nothing. I feel scared because except theater I don't know what else to do with my life, but nothing is happening. Being an actor is already very complicated when it comes to money and stability, but when you don't have plan B like me, I feel like I don't have any future anymore. I feel ashamed of me for being naive and thinking I could reach success in this. Please give me advice, what solutions do you have ? Should I keep going ? Or do I do something wrong ? Thanks for answering me, or at least reading me. May you be happy with you life <3

I don't know if I should continue to follow my dream...

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First off, don’t be so hard on yourself. 21 is super young, even in the theater world. I’m in my 50s now, and I’ve learned that life has many unexpected twists and turns. When I was around your age, I felt lost and unsure about my future too. I remember being passionate about photography but never really getting anywhere with it. Instead of giving up, I kept practicing and exploring different aspects of it. One day, I stumbled upon an opportunity to photograph a local event, which eventually led to more gigs. It wasn't a straight path, but persistence and openness to opportunities made all the difference. Consider looking for smaller local projects or indie films to get some real experience and build your confidence. You’ve got the passion and dedication, and that’s half the battle. Keep pushing forward, and remember, everyone’s journey is unique.

I don't know if I should continue to follow my dream...

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I am going through similar situation too, I found to look around the obstacles that were standing in my way. I also tried various different hobbies. And i agree with the person above, dont be so hard on yourself. Please dont compare yourself that hurts you and your goals. Hey, maybe we could even be friends. I like theater as well.

I don't know if I should continue to follow my dream...

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Hi Cosmosmeena, Theatre/acting training is fantastic for a career in Sales (of whatever service field/product inspires you the most)! Not because you have to pretend, but in terms of the confidence it gives you in pitching, as well as performing under pressure - be it telesales or field sales/rep-ing. Or whatever involved public speaking/orating. There's also teaching or assistant-teaching for children's after-school acting classes/clubs. Or teacher-training as a Drama Teacher? And then, obviously, there's getting a job with a local theatre, e.g. backstage and production crews. Or just anything in the field of The Arts, generally. The fact you're a Creative is the point. Even Advertising and Graphic Design agencies and the like would consider you. If you need to make money quickly, however, then what about visiting some local employment agencies or those in whichever nearest city to you? Re your foremost problem: "I also feel "restreined" by my actual school because I feel I do not improve, but I'm to attached to my classmates to change. " First-off : apart from the one tiny spelling mistake there (it's 'restrained', albeit your way still worked 100% phonetically), your English is impeccable! (This is a British-owned forum, though, available internationally, e.g. I live in Spain. Which country are you?) So your too-all-intents-and-purposes, English-speaking/writing fluency is a HUGE career boon in itself! Yes, it could well be that the school or the way the teach just doesn't suit you, that is entirely possible. Which other schools that you initially applied to, offered you a place? Please don't waste your nervous energy worrying, though. Honestly, something will happen/click into place sooner than you know it and then you'll just kick yourself for nothing. Famous saying: 'Life is what happens while you're busy making plans'. I'm changing the category of this from Emotional to Work because, although you're unanchored and destabilized from your 'life map' - if you landed a dream part or job tomorrow, you'd instantly feel better, ergo, it's not an emotional problem, it's a practical/job one but which makes you feel TERRIBLE. But it is just circumstantial, and it IS far more common than not. Careers are easiest when one only has one skill or talent. If you don't know what to choose or re-choose to do, it's usually because you actually have TOO MANY choices of things you could do that would make you happy. However, at your stage of your little boat being a bit lost at sea, you've yet to get to the point where ideas start to kick-in. You haven't finished panicking and (kid you not) GRIEVING...the loss of your previous Life Map/presumed destiny. If life has been 'happening to you while you were busy making plans' (- which, you growing increasingly dissatisfied counts as)- and you tell me there WEREN'T any other placement offers - then Life/Fate/'it up there' is clearly telling you you're meant to/it wants you to alter or completely change your direction, which must mean something has been earmarked for you that will suit and satisfy you FAR more than plain or straight acting. If it works, it was meant to be. If not, it wasn't, but was a fantastic stepping-stone to a rare Skillville. I didn't end up where I planned, either. In fact, I'm not even sure I KNOW anyone whom at your age/stage didn't get wildly diverted from their chosen path!....for the simple reason that you've grown, developed, lived, learnt...Past You who made that career choice on behalf of Future You (now Present-day You) (the cheeky cow, eh? haha) are not the same. This is the problem: they make school and college kids decide on their careers RIGHT at the wrong time....during that really tough transitioning bridge between Late-Teenville, all the way over to Young Adultville. So OF COURSE too many of you are bound to experience a change of mind or heart or both, it's just logical and inevitable - hence is rife the world over. No Panicko, por favor. Although this feels bad, it's GOOD. It's how it feels when you, psychologically-speaking, the caterpillar, find yourself trapped inside a chrysalis and, panicking, start struggling and beating your wings for all you're worth. The beating your wings is what readies them (gym work) for your PROPER Launching into society and working life. (Another thing your theatre studies and exercises will have achieved, is: EXPLORING AND GETTING TO KNOW YOURSELF, even if only subconsciously 'as you went'. So that's why New You doesn't agree with Old You who chose this school or this precise field of career. Maybe you could offer acting classes (I mean, I presume you understand it all, technically, even if you're not quite 'the right shape' for it?) online, like YouTube and Instagram et al? Re your threatreschool-pals: wouldn't you still get to see them if you moved schools? If not - why not?

I don't know if I should continue to follow my dream...

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This might help: If I were your Fairy Godmother with a magic wand who granted you your wish for your dream job - any type of job you could think of - what would it be? Or what would it be like, what skills and talens of yours would be involved? Any job you liked! Even, famous Formula 1 racing driver! Best kids' Clown Entertainer! Cat Rescue Shelter owner! ....Literally anything that appeals!? ('Dann-dann-DAAAANNNN!....' haha) Also, if you had an accident and became paralysed - what job then would you imagine would be the most enjoyable out there? Alternatively, your dream Manual job? (E.g. Carpenter, Mechanic, Interior Designer, Spacewoman...). Also, apart from web-surfing - what's your fave pasttime? Or if web-surfing is - are you basically learning useful information? What it is you tend to be surfing about?

I don't know if I should continue to follow my dream...

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(Forgot one: Tour Guide! On a bus or inside an historical building where you're given authentic period costumes.) (Ooh - DisneyWorld/Land..... Cruise ship entertainment!.... Commercial Airline Flight Attendant (pretend-calm under fire, -unruffleable)...)

I don't know if I should continue to follow my dream...

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PPS: Same Fairygodmother question re hobbies, and Indie theatre, as well (like Flowers and PantherJoeOrange mentioned).

I don't know if I should continue to follow my dream...

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If you're still stuck I say that you should follow your dream. You've gotten so far I think it's worth it to see where this goes. Looking at stability, I think a good idea would be to have something else to mainly support you so you could still do theatre on the side. If theatre doesn't end up working out at least you'll be in a stable place. There's a whole word out there and many things to do. I think you should take advantage of that and explore other things you love. If you haven't seen the movie "Back to the Future" I recommend it. It's a favorite of mine. A quote from it I always think about is "If you put your mind to it you can accomplish anything." I believe you can do it! In the end just do what you truly think is best for you. Best of wishes to you.

I don't know if I should continue to follow my dream...

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Perfect response, PinkSpots! - please do more threads (if you haven't already?...I'm having to catch-up due to recent internet probs keeping me away) (...or even if you have :) ).

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