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How do i get rid of this issue?

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Girl my age making trouble and humiliating me. I can never go out and do what i want anymore and people are starting to shun me. I have no one now but my family. is this a legal issue

How do i get rid of this issue?

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no one is talking to me as a result

How do i get rid of this issue?

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Duplicated on other thread. Dear Poster called "ICanBuyMyselfFlowers", Now that I have time... (Plus I've been waiting for 'the penny to drop', but, ...clearly didn't happen)... I expect you're not being responded to by anyone else because others here DID notice me politely yet in no uncertain terms telling you that you had to own and run just the ONE thread, not keep abandoning them and starting new ones. And probably also your ill-mannered, over-entitled, problem-with-authority, etcetera-sounding show of ingratitude to point of anti-gratitude (Spoiled Bratitis) after I myself tried to engage you, as spat contemptuously on my limited and precious time & effort as could have been spent on someone who WAS ready to knuckle-down and cooperate. Or, alternatively, are purely and simply noticing that you have short-lived & abandoned threads everywhere as indicates an inability to 'sit still' and cooperate. IOW, that you're literally as well as psychologically too 'all over the place' to a huge degree, hence it can't help but show on the outside, including via your choices, decisions and actions. Food for thought, now or in the future? If not, you're not remotely ready for this place and desperately need a regular, face-to-face Life Coach and/or prescriptive Therapist (via your GP?). Any failure this time to respond, or any inappropriateness in your response, including undertow, will be taken as - 'No, I am not ready' - or, possibly even - 'I will never be ready because despite I'm an adult, I don't even know how to conduct myself around nor treat other adults' - or worse: 'Yes, I just am indeed just a time-wasting, attention-seeking troll'. (See how all of that works and how you started it and insisted on continuing it?) Faithfully, Soulmate Forum Moderator

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