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Stress management: 5 tips to calming your fussy baby

Author: Lisa Coleman
Published: Feb 2 2014

Hearing your baby cry as they enter the world can be an exhilarating experience for new parents. However, calming a fussy mood can be difficult, especially after you’ve fed, changed and re-diapered them. Before you release your own set of tears, you’re sure to find the following five tips beneficial in soothing your fussy baby.

Stress Management, 5 Tips, Fussy Baby

1. Change of Scenery

A change of scenery can brighten your day and lift your child’s mood. On a warm, sunny day, you can try taking your infant outdoors to take a look at the birds and other wildlife creatures inhabiting your back yard. You can also put them in the stroller and take a walk to the park. Watching the trees sway and birds chirp can be extremely soothing and take their minds off their finicky moods. During times of inclement weather, you can move to a different room in your home. Try finding items that would be of interest to them such as a pretty picture, ceiling fan or looking out the window.

2. Colorful Toys

Bright, interactive and healthy toys can entertain your infant and help alleviate their sour mood. Educational toys can also aid in their growth and sensory development through the intricate lighting, music and sounds. Blocks, rattles, activity gyms and bouncers are fun and exciting items that can provide your infant with the proper stimulation. This can help turn a gloomy afternoon into one of excitement.

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3. Infant Massage

A crying and fussy baby can wear thin on the emotions of a parent, especially when you’re uncertain of the exact problem. It can also be hard on a baby when they work themselves up into fits of crying and unhappiness. An infant massage can calm and soothe a baby with the gentle touch of your hands. You can start by warming up the lotion between your fingers. You can begin at the forehead and face and work your way down to their arms, legs, body and feet. There are also classes and instructional videos on the proper techniques of infant massage.

4. Soothing Music

Once you’ve determined that your infant is only going through a fussy mood, you can drown their cries out with a few lullabies. Whether you put on soothing music or sing to them, the gentle melodies can turn your child’s frown into smiles.

5. Take a Bath

If your child is cranky, and there’s nothing you can do to please them, you may try giving them a bath. The change of setting into a warm, soapy bubble bath can boost their cantankerous mood and calm them. You can also add their own favorite bath toys to entertain and stimulate your child.

A cranky child can be a challenge to deal with, especially if you can’t quite determine the actual root of their difficulties. The above five tips can aid parents in getting their child to calm down and reduce your stress caused by the finickiest of children.

Lisa Coleman shares some tips that can help aid in soothing a finicky and fussy baby. She found entertaining and fun toys at that can help a parent to entertain and soothe their upset child.

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