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What it is like to be an alcoholic

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I'm a practicing alcoholic. I have no desire whatever to quit drinking; therefore, no rehab program will work because I just don't care.

What it is like to be an alcoholic

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I'm an alcoholic and have been in and out of recover for the past 15 years. I am also a recovering drug addict. When I hit bottom, it was best friend betrayed me. Alcohol had been my best friend since I was 12 years old. It was always there, by my side, helping me throught my very difficult life. Then it turned on me and created problems that seemed insurmountable. The only solution was to end the relationship I had with it. And it has been hard...really hard.

What it is like to be an alcoholic

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Hi Dolphin, thanks for your post. It sounds like you have been through some tough times, and still have problems to overcome. I hope that other people can contribute to the experiences you have shared with us, and am sure that other users of this site will be supportive.

What it is like to be an alcoholic

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it is a situation when you feel happy funny and full of energy but only one hour then starts a terrible headache and you depend from alcohol

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