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I just split with my partner of 5 years and feel very sad can any 1 help

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im a single mam of 3 and am very heart broken at the moment and dont know were to turn as i right this i fill with tears. im 29 im not a bad looking girl but i dont love my self i take each day as it comes i have been hurt in my past i was with a guy for 10 years who i have my children 2 and he left me for a woman with 5 kids which caused a brake down i left him and moved got on with my life and meet a guy from the army much younger than well 26 not that much younger but well he aint that good looking but i failed in going for good looking guys so i gave him a try he was amazing i felling love with him and he started to smoke and take drugs and get in to dept every time we add argument he go back to his mums i dont go out much but when i do i enjoy my self i would never cheat and he knows this he just so controling i have to be home when he says and do what he says he been angry with me and iv add black eyes once from him he smashed a window in my face also he is now blaming me and left cause iv been going out on a friday and not getting home to late i like to enjoy my self and i quite quick at making friends i love him so much so what do i do walk away he said he aint coming back ever i just carnt get this pain away been four weeks now he wants me to stop going out and never drink again yet he smokes blow every day and sniffs coke at week end i just give up i feel sick cause i love him and he aint any thing speacil helppppp any 1 all addvise welcome please i know sounds so stupid

I just split with my partner of 5 years and feel very sad can any 1 help

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I will try and give you some advise based on my expereince over the last few months. I myself am going through a separation at the moment. I have beem married for 8 years and have one child. This is the MOST difficult thing I have ever been through as it is not my choice. My wife has just one day told that she does not love me and have not for the last few years. This came as a major shock to me. It has now been 3 months and 3 months of hell I must say. Crying, begging etc everyday...However...looking back at the last 3 months there is probably a few things I would change: 1. Try and accept - This is easier said than done. I'm still struggeling with that. My point is the sooner the better... 2. Was he good for you? I'm in the process of working through this myself. Asking myself everyday, "Was I really happy"? 3. Be honest with yourself...Imagine he phones you today and says that he wants to come back....How does this make you feel? I guess there will most likely be an uncomfortable feeling...because of what he has done etc. Take notice of this feeling...Is he back because he wants to or he feels sorry for you? Trust me, you rather want someone that loves you than someone that feels sorry for you. If someone does come back to you, you go almost back to the "honeymoon" period, however things will go back quickly to the way it was UNLESS there is a change. 4. Do not contact him or if you have to, have limited contact. 5. Do not beg, cry does not help. Your mind will convince you it will help...This is a lie! I have experienced this 1st hand! To put it another way...dont give him a stick to hit you with, because trust me, he will! Once again, i have 1st hand experience! 6. Focus on you and your kids. 7. I'm the last one to judge...but the fact that he uses drugs, smashed a window etc...that is a BIG BIG BIG problem. Do you know what your kids are being exposed to? You need to remember that your kids learn from you...Think of what are you teaching your kids... My point is, dont let the pain now blind you. Think of all the things he has done and done towards you. Do you yourself a favour...Take time out...and be really really honest with yourself...Is he someone that you want to spend the rest of your life with? The rest of your you know how long that is? I know it is not an easy road ahead. It does help to take one day at a time. Do not think about tomorrow, next week, nect month etc. They will look afther themselves. As I have mentioned, it has now been 3 months for you know how much time and energy I have waisted thinking about the future? What will happen with me? Where will I be? Will my son be OK? Am I going to be alone for the rest of my life?...The list goes on and on...3 months later...I'm still here...everything is OK...I still get scared from time to time what the future holds...I dont have any family is only me and little one scares the crap out of me...but I try to stay positive... Good luck!!!!

I just split with my partner of 5 years and feel very sad can any 1 help

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Hey,i 24,not so much into relationshp bt I think I can help u. I lost my fther at early age.nd we wre 2 brother nd 1 my mom didnt remaried.instead she used to say us I will for u and wont let u alone. I mean to say my mom cud hv remariwd bt she did becoz ahe decided to live with our happiness.i think you shud think of a better future fr ur child. Abt the bruises he gave u. I think he doesnt loves u its pretty clear.think of the impact on child.leave that d**k as soon as u can. Whom do u love more ur child or that a**hole?

I just split with my partner of 5 years and feel very sad can any 1 help

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Hey,i 24,not so much into relationshp bt I think I can help u. I lost my fther at early age.nd we wre 2 brother nd 1 my mom didnt remaried.instead she used to say us I will for u and wont let u alone. I mean to say my mom cud hv remariwd bt she did becoz ahe decided to live with our happiness.i think you shud think of a better future fr ur child. Abt the bruises he gave u. I think he doesnt loves u its pretty clear.think of the impact on child.leave that d**k as soon as u can. Whom do u love more ur child or that a**hole?

I just split with my partner of 5 years and feel very sad can any 1 help

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maybe this will help.....try it..this story might be of use to you.... i am a man of honour,i wold never cheat on my wife,but why would she just make accusations and file for a divorce,didnt know what to do,i begged(not being a pu** of the love we shared..i failed at getting her back..weeks later,i saw a testimony on a blog,it was about priestessmiriam,how she helped the fellow get his wife back,i contacted her,we talked,she gave me instructions,prayer and bill did as i was told 5days later she was back love all over can contact me damonhillband on g mail maybe contact her priesstessmiriam, add G mail to that..goodluck,god bless you

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