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Sexual with son

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I do not like the term incest, so I try not to use it, even if it is. I am an intelligent, professional woman looking for advice. Preferably from another mom who may understand. I am at my whits end. This problem started quite some time ago but has escalated in the past year and more so recently. I am afraid we are very close to going over the line and having a sexual relationship. We have been intimate to a degree but we have not had intercourse at this point. I am at my office and don't have a lot of time right now, if there are any women out there that understand and can offer advice, please do.

Sexual with son

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There is really no advice to be given for this. I will tell you, however, that what you are doing with your son is completely inappropriate, and you should be completely ashamed of yourself. If I were your mother, I'd do something to you that should have been done a very long time ago: A bare bottomed spanking. Your bottom would be so sore & welted-red whenI got done, you wouldn't sit down for three days. I'd put all of your clothes into a GoodWill box, and you'd be bare ass naked, 24/7. I hope you're blushing right now, dear. Give yourself that spanking, w/a hairbrush. You deserve it. :$

Sexual with son

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I would honestly find a therapist or counselor for whichever one of you two initiated it. There might be something else bothering you two that you may not realize unless you speak to a professional about it. For now, do not allow your son to be romantic or sexual with you, and make sure to verbally communicate to him that this is not okay. Best of luck to you two.

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