Relationship ruined
GRAZ30 - May 10 2017 at 02:45
My new girlfriend, who I have known most of my life, found out she was pregnant by her ex. She was fairly far along but decided on a termination. I had told her I would stand by her whatever she decided to do! She had initially asked me for my support but then started pushing me away saying it was her problem and she didn't want me involved.
I haven't heard from her much in the last couple of weeks and I have text her quite a bit to say I'm here if she needs me and not to push me away. Finally heard from her to say that she was in hospital after miscarrying! I asked if I could come see her and didn't get a reply. Sent a couple more texts and then another asking if she wanted to end things with me and if she could tell me as the sitting not knowing what was happening was killing me! She text back to say that I had went from nice to nasty and to leave her alone!
I'm terrified I've ruined things! I've never felt the way I do about her with anyone! I honestly believe she's the one but now I reckon I've trashed it by being too pushy, albeit through concern and worry for her!
I need advice on how to proceed to repair the damage or should I accept it's gone?
Okay, I'm new here, but I've been in a few relationships. Move on, I know its hard, but hold out for the right one. This one isn't. Be true to yourself, love yourself, and hold out for a kind heart. Don't dwell on it, just go out and enjoy life. I know its hard, but its the right thing to do. peace my friend.
It sounds like she has been going through a lot in such short space of time, and that can be an emotional rollercoaster for anyone. Whilst it must be truly horrible to watch someone you love deal with something so testing on their life, it sounds like she needs some space to collect her thoughts and recalculate her feelings. I would suggest giving her the space that she needs, and maybe it might be good to send her a short message to explain that you are giving her space and will be there when she needs some support. The one thing you must be prepared for though, is that by doing this she may not want to come back to you however you have let her know that the door to the relationship that you once had is still open.
I hope this helps,