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My mum is taking my wages from me!

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I'm nearly 18 and have worked since September 2015. Recently I have discovered that I am to receive a bonus in my next wage in which I was going to use to open a new bank account of which I will use to start saving up some money, this is much to my mothers dosmay. Since getting a job I have had to transfer a section of my wages (if not all) into an account attached onto my Mum's main bank account which I am not allowed to touch without a valid reason. Since finding out (Today - 21st May) she has been angry at the fact I want to keep my own money which I earn and I don't know what to do anymore. I can't get through to her that I want to keep my own money without having to give a reason like I'm 5 years old. Money that was given to me towards something major (Like my recently new laptop replacement) has also been taken for granted as I am not allowed ("Under any circumstances") allowed to touch with a ten foot pole. I'm sick of it now and it has caused an argument; all I want is to keep my own earnt money but I'm stick and don't know what to do anymore.

My mum is taking my wages from me!

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It's quite different in the UK, you can be 16 for an account but, the reason why I don't have any money for myself is that she looks at my wage slips and checks it against what I put into the other account.

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