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Cheating husband?

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I'm concerned that my husband might be cheating on me, but I have no proof as of yet. In January my husband started working on Monday nights to help a co-worker out, which created flex time for later in the week. This is voluntary, and not required. When this occurred week after week, I asked my husband why it was continuing, and he said that work was going to start changing the shifts if they didn't do evening work. He even told me when the others in his section were working. The problem is that this girl is our age, extremely pretty, and seems a little noncommittal in her current relationship. I asked him a while ago if he was cheating, and he said that he wasn't. He got angry that I would accuse him of that. I have expressed my concerns about him working with her, and he acts like he has to continue to do this evening work. I found out today that another co-worker had an opening for a partner on Thursday evening (the day which my husband would've preferred), but he says he couldn't just dump the girl he is currently doing night work with. Two days ago I found that he was texting her on his phone. I read through all the messages, and it seems very sporadic and innocent. He is not always the one that texts first. I also saw that they snapchat as well. I asked my husband if any of the girls at work text or talk to him outside of work, and he said no. He acted like I was accusing him again. He claims that I keep accusing him when he hasn't ever given me a reason for it. Should I trust my gut, or is this all in my head?

Cheating husband?

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Sorry that this is happening to you, Follow what your heart says, Also in the process guard your heart, Maybe try asking him if you can join one evening, You have every right to feel the way you feel.

Cheating husband?

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I can't join in at his work. I just feel so paranoid about this. I checked his phone again today, and he deleted the messages. I just feel very lost.

Cheating husband?

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How are you doing emotionally about it? Guard your heart in this process, don't go with what your emotions say, go with what your heart says. Ask him to be open with you, let him that this is hurting you. Has he ever done this before? If it helps write on here to get stuff off your shoulders and chest

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