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Lack of motivation in life

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I'm a student, I would love to say that I just lack the motivation to study but that's not true. I lack the motivation in everything I do. I don't see the point in doing well in my studies anymore. I am so tired of failing. Cut all the nonsense about how after time I would be able to pass through this stage in my life, I've heard that same advice enough to know it does not even work for me. I feel like I am in this endless pit of failure and there is just no way out for me. My whole family expects so much for me, its completely unfair and tiring on me. I try, I fail. I keep trying, I keep failing. It's horrible and there seems to not be a way out for me. Have a pile of about 20 assignments to do? Have huge exams coming up in 3 weeks but have not even started revising? It's endless. The school does not even care for its students, they relentlessly keep adding more to our pile and they purposely make the tests harder. Yes, its true, a teacher told a parent that they designed the test hard so as to fail at least 70% of the students taking that test. I continuously search up ways to become motivated but it never worked. I feel so empty and useless. It hurts and no one even notices it. I cried my heart out, telling a family member, but its no use, it only helped for like what? 1 week? I am back to feeling like this again. I even left a toxic situation, deleted my social media to remove all the distractions, but its not working. Thanks for reading, I just needed to have someone try and understand me.

Lack of motivation in life

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I understand where your coming from. Please remember though that you are not a failure, try to find little things that can help keep you motivated. What was the toxic situation? Please guard your heart, Remember that you are successful, that this setback can be a set up for a new beginning. You can do it.

Lack of motivation in life

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Thank you for your advice. The toxic situation was that I had a good friend whom I trusted and we decided to embark on a project together to help a charity. Basically, it turned out that she was not nice at all, like through this project when I actually got to know her better, she only knew how to criticize people. She was rude to all the volunteers and the other people in our team that even the volunteers started leaving everyday. I told her the truth in the hopes that she could perhaps be a bit nicer in the way she talked to people but instead, she just brushed it aside and continued her ways. I made the decision to leave the project especially after she brushed it off and started insulting me instead, she said I had no conscience and I was honestly quite appalled. Instead of reflecting on herself, she puts the blame on me. Anyway, I had planned to leave the project for a long time because I was really unhappy doing it which is honestly quite sad. I do have some regrets leaving the project since I really wanted to help that charity organisation.

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