Girlfriend's daughter hates me and guilt trips her??!!?!? Help!!
GOINGFAST - Jun 16 2017 at 07:08
The daughter is 20 with a 1 year old. We got along at first until she told her mom some lies about me and I called her out on it. Duaghter went ballistic on me and now (almost a year later)she still tells lies about me. Mom said thats how she is and is scared if she confronts her she will not be allowed to see her grandson.
She is manipulating your gf! what a shame -.- (N)
Well first off sorry this hasn't gotten a response yet, I'll do my best to give you some feedback, Goingfast.
So my take is... This is just the daughter's personality, she has her own issues, and I would just try not to take it personally.
You said it yourself, your girlfriend realizes her daughter is like this and that she tells lies. Well, it can't really cause any damage if her daughter is lashing out at thin air and everyone else takes it with a grain of salt.
I would almost try to view the girlfriend's daughter as a sort of an annoying coworker. You just want to maintain peace and not feed into her negativity, share the 'workplace' with her, but just don't let her think she is the boss.
It's pretty terrible if the daughter would take her son away with her and not her your girlfriend see him. For your girlfriend's and the kid's sake, I would just try to maintain peace and ignore her lies and pathetic attempts to cause trouble.