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I want to live with my nan and dad

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I want to move in with my nan so bad and I've wanted this to happen for so long. Please help. My mam and dad have broken up, and my dad has moved in with my nan. I don't care that they are going to get divorced they always argued and said it was going to happen now it has. I'm 15 and I have been unhappy at home for a long time and now my dad has moved in with my nan I feel worse because I want to be there too. I've always felt like running away from home and go live with my nan because she has always been there for me. Right now I live with my mam and older sister and I don't get on with them I hate being home, I feel left out. My mam is well strict and lashes out at me everytime I do something wrong. She never shouts at my sister and favours her and they always go out together and leave me home alone . My sister always picks fights with me and I always get the blame. They gang up on me a lot and tease me because of the way I am. I suffer with anxiety and have panic attacks for ages, I have lots of phobias. my mam and sister don't understand and they tell me to grow up. My dad never listened to me but hes not like them. My nan always used to listened to me, and used to talk to me all the time over the phone about my anxiety but my mam told her to stop. I have told my nan and dad that I want to move to my nans too. My dad said no because my nan lives an hour away from home and I'll have to move schools and miss my friends and mam and sister. He thinks I haven't thought about it propperly and I have longer than he thinks! My nan said they will talk about it more. I will be happier with them I know this because I used to go with stay my nan in the summer holidays the whole time and never missed my mam and dad and sister and liked being away from home and I always cried when I had to go home. I want to tell my mam I want to live with my nana and dad but I'm scared of what she will say and do. How can I tell her? How can I make this happen? I don't know what I'll do if my nan and dad say no. I will reply this time, I've never been allowed back on computer before.

I want to live with my nan and dad

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Hello EMMAJM, this seems like a hard situation. In order to get the most out of it, I believe you have to first see if your plan would be accepted by your dad and nan. Ask them first. If they give you a positive answer, you can tell your dad to talk directly with your mom about it. That would be the best course of action I can see at this point. Good luck, and let us know how it goes.

I want to live with my nan and dad

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I Did ask my nan and dad. My nan said I can but its up to my mam and dad. my dad said no I should stay at home and that I need my mam more. Hes wrong I dont need her if i try to talk to her she shouts at me and she likes my older sister a lot more. All i seem to do is annoy my mam and sister because they dont get my anxiety. my nan always has done. my dad has no idea how I feel and that Ive felt like ive wanted to move in with my nan for a long time. my nan wont talk to my mam they dont like each other. And i dont know what to say to my mam without her getting mad.

I want to live with my nan and dad

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Hello EMMAJM, Does your dad know about all of that situation? About your anxiety and how your mom reacts to that? Can you ask him directly and talk to him giving him clear examples and expressing your need to go live with them? I think, if you open the conversation with a clear message saying you don't feel good at your mom's place, they can understand better how you're feeling. Tell him that you need him because you don't feel your mom's support.

I want to live with my nan and dad

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My dad was never there when my mam and sister were horrible but he always used to take my mams side. I could tell him but he never really listens. I had an argument with my mam today because she was leaving me home alone again and taking my sister out. I get well bored on my own and I got mad at her she leaves me out all the time and I told her want to live with my nan and dad. She said it's because I always have an panic attacks when we go anywhere not true I don't always. She thinks I can help it but I can't. My doctor says I have real bad anxiety and I need a counsellor but my mam has never got me anyone and no she won't go. My nan would help me if I live with her. I going to stay with my nan in the holidays and I will refuse to go back home.

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