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I am in love with a boy who is suffering from an unhealthy porn addiction. In the past he was a very sexual guy and saw many girls. This is what he told me after 3 months together. It is affecting our sex life because he can't keep it hard. I like him very much that in the beginning I didn't mind but now it is getting the best of me. I also feel he is sexually texting other girls when I am not around just to provide for his sexual addiction. I am seeing him for 5 months now. I already told him my insecurities about it but he assures me it is fine. Whenever we have sex, it proves the opposite because he gets soft again. I know this relationship will be bound to fail because of this issue. Should I break up before things end very badly? I know he loves me but an addiction is hard to change. Thanks, a very confused girl


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You're correct, an addiction is hard to change and it's his addiction to manage and fix and not yours. All you need to do is make the decision as to whether you stay with him or you go. It's all OK for him to assure you that it's fine but it's your choice as to what you need from a relationship and given the circumstances, whether your BF can provide those needs.


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Hello I just want to say that I am happy that I have run away. He confessed to me that he had sex on wednesday to find out if his sexual problems were because of us or because of him. He does not see his wrong doing. He is sick. Thanks


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Hi He's not sick, he's playing you as his fool..Be thankful you only wasted 5 months of your life with this guy.


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Hello ANONYMOUSSY1001, I like porn, I think we all do to a certain extent, but if he has it as an addiction and he's not moving a finger to fix it, it's just like any other addiction. It will destroy any relationship. Just move on. He has some issues to solve and some lessons to learn, but he needs professional help. Finally, you deserve something better. Live on, remember this as an experience and be happy! I'm glad you ran away. Let us know how you're doing.


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moving on to me seems to be the best idea. But pulse for awhile, think it over and u will realize that your relationship with him wasn"t just for fun. It was a lesson for you and also a means for him to realize that he need help. you said u loved him, what i hope u do is to help him solve this issue of his. sharing your experience here means you cared for him. dont just end here. try to fix him

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