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My husband has been having what he calls an internet relationship for about 9 months. When i found out about it he finished it immediately and i believe him that he hasnt been in contact since. However he told me that he didn't know the person that it was with, he said it was just a faceless person he could have a secret life with. Because we were having a few problems at the time i accepted that and we've moved on. This weekend i found out that it wasn't a stranger but someone that lives near us. Now i cant stop thinking that maybe it was more than an internet relationship and there must be a possibilty that they have slept together, he denies this. What should i do? Please help


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Dear Betty, I wonder if you and your husband might be interested in counseling together? I work for a very POSITIVE talk show where you and your husband could discuss things in a safe and fair environment and we also provide aftercare counseling. Let me know if you are open to discussing, totally no commitment but it could genuinely be helpful - our host is a very compassionate man of faith. Feel free to email me at castingdilemmas(at)gmail(dot)com and I can tell you more... best of luck!


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i would be very very worried


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Since found out that he has been having an affair with this woman. It finished 12 months ago and i have just found out by doing a lot of digging on the internet. He says he is sorry and it was a mistake but i dont know if i can forgive him. Please help


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betty the thing about cheating is ... it has no limits, if you have forgiven him already, than stop digging and try to focus on your marital problems . So that in future nothing breaks your marriage apart. But if you cannot forgive him, than ask him the truth confront him. You will no where you stand and what decision to make.

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