When you are suddenly being ignored by a guy

SUNSHINE787 - Aug 15 2017 at 18:48
First I admit I entered into a relationship with someone I shouldn't have. He's been separated from his wife for two and half years but at the end of the day still married. After about two months of very flirty friendship, we never crossed "the line", he is ignoring me. There is a specific moment where things really changed. He had a car accident, his wife and kids met him after and brought him food. She didn't stay the night and he was honest about it. Which I totally understand.
The next day I checked on him to see how he was feeling.. crickets. I know the answer is to move on but I wish guys understood how hurtful it is to be dropped and ignored with no explanation. I mean he could just reply Im fine or Im busy with all the insurance stuff but crickets? So as a girl, I want to call him out, I mean be honest, we've talked everyday for over two months and its been 72 since I've heard a word. I'd take the truth over imagining way anyway. If I push it, I'm pushing him away. Why is there no good answer?
You are correct that is the question I probably should have asked. This has all been very confusing and I made a mistake. Im new a dating again, I've been divorced two years and Im just starting the game Maybe they did regroup. I'm not going to ask or push it. We did not have "real intense" relationship as in saying "i love you". It was more like a huge crush I guess. I knew he wasn't totally available, we shared a lot of personal things, had a great connection, we were very sexually attracted to one another but you are right, I should have known. I feel like such an idiot. He did leave me on all his social media accounts but that really means nothing. He's 50 years old, he still could be an adult I think and say "hey, I need a break to work on family things" vs the silent treatment or maybe I expect too much.
One thing we did have was complete honesty about things.
it was more your fault tbh cuz as you said "I entered into a relationship with someone I shouldn't have"
The first question is, why is this man still married to his wife and hasn't finalized the divorce 2 1/2 years later? I get that it is a bit of a hassle to get divorced and you might drag things out, but I think he needs to really get that over with.
You have only been flirting for 2 months, correct? Well how long have you known each other for? I am also not sure whether you haven't heard from him in 72 days or 72 hours.
I will say, I had kind of some similar stuff happen in my life, but only remotely similar. Just how close were you with this guy? Did he know you were interested? If he didn't, it's possible his mind is kind of going everywhere.
It's difficult to say why he is ignoring you now. Did you ever ignore him or give him mixed signals about how you felt? Is it possible that he isn't really ignoring you, but just lost his phone or got swamped by work or something?
In closing I will say that men know how it feels to be dropped and ignored, and never even really given a chance to get to know a woman they're interested in. I would say this happens to men more than it does women.
Hello Sunshine,
I won't point fingers as it doesn't help at all.
Just continue with your life and think of it as practice.
It was meant that way. Most probably life was telling you "you're attractive and you can flirt".
Lesson learned. Move on. Don't feel bad about it. Was it good while it lasted? Then just feel good about it and keep walking.
take care and good luck!
I have been through this....I was his girl and world.....then now nothing.i really liked him,and feel very heart broken.