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Looking for group therapy

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Im am look for a group therapy near Dalton Ga hoefully no further than Chattanooga Tn for my wife who has suffered form childhood trauma.

Looking for group therapy

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Thanks I'll try that (cute)

Looking for group therapy

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Tried calling but they don't know of any for trauma

Looking for group therapy

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Something to consider….. I have a large garden where lots of seeds have been planted in over a hundred rows. I only water the first 3 rows. The plants on the first 3 rows grow larger and larger every single day and after time the more attention I give them the larger they get. They have taken over the garden and there isn’t room for much else, I have to manage what is growing. Imagine our mind as a garden... plant and nurture what you want to grow in the mind. In time the seeds that I did not want to grow will be taken over by weeds, filled in by earth....left alone with less importance or concern to me because I am so busy with the rest of my garden. (What I do not want growing will never disappear but those plants can be superseded by others having less power over our lives) I suffer from POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER and I have to say that I SUFFER less because of a few things that I will try to outline. Therapy is important to help us understand our past, enough to know TRUTH. The truths that are relevant to freeing ourselves. Therapy can also help us feel less alone in our struggles. I think just by looking at the news and what other people are suffering from gives me a lot of reason to be grateful for what I have. Therapy is important, but it has to be the right kind of therapy, with your limited choices I'm concerned that you will trust 'experts' that could potentially make her feel worse, I know that I met a lot of useless 'experts', and it wasn't until I decided to give myself therapy that I actually began to heal. Therapy that involved focusing on FREEDOM and being CENTERED. Therapy that involved TRUTH and reflections of all different kinds of realities in the world eventually helping me decide to CHOOSE my own. Therapy that involved a lot of physical activity, a focus on my diet, and enjoyment of art. Think about it, if you had a bad experience do you think that it is best to keep recalling it? That will only make a memory alive today. She needs a therapist that is focused on the future. Filling that garden up with the will and the tools to thrive. Looking at the past is needed so that we can understand ourselves today. For instance if I am feeling anxious I have to understand why I am feeling this way in order to avoid feeling that way again, and so that I do not panic. KNOWING WHY we feel the way we feel is very important for us to be able to move forward. People that suffer with PTSD and other related problems feel a great deal of pressure on themselves, they feel as if there is something wrong with THEM, when in fact there is a lot wrong with the world and they have been subject to being effected by it. We are all trying to be 'NORMAL', but normal is different for everyone because we are all unique individuals. Focus on what feels FREE. What does your soul say, not what anyone else thinks. Focus on what makes you truly happy and at peace.... fulfilled. There is a phrase I use every single day, PUT EVERYTHING WHERE IT BELONGS. Our mind is so complex, it is filled with all of the things that we have seen, heard and experienced in our lifetime, it is important that everything be attached with ULTIMATE TRUTHS, not just truth, but the relevant and important truths. I believe that our everyday focus needs to be placed on our IDENTITY and VISION. I believe that we CAN do a mind transplant. Design life on paper, again focusing on IDENTITY --WHO I AM. WHO I WANT TO BE. And VISION which is detailed with ---WHAT IS LIFE? WHAT DO I LOVE, WHO I LOVE, WHAT I LOVE TO DO. WHAT IS ON MY PATH. WHAT ARE MY NEEDS. WHAT ARE MY DAILY ACTIVITIES. WHAT ARE MY DREAMS.... These two focus points should be the center of everyone’s lives whether we are struggling or not. In some cases, sometimes it means we have to start all over again. Go through the stages of life within a year starting with being an infant focusing on what our needs are, what our actions are through the day, rebuilding our foundation, essentially rebuilding life. If we keep working on these two points IDENTITY and VISION every single day collecting our thoughts, and putting them into a book that we read every day we will eventually BE what we have written. We have to believe in ourselves. The power in this is that we build ourselves, no one is telling us what to do or who to be, but as her husband there are ways to reflect these truths with compliments and activities. The problem is that the world has defined life to be something that it isn’t. She needs to know what life is. She has to be free to play again and understand that that is all she is expected to do. It is when we find the games that we are really good at that we become able to teach instead of just learn. WE ARE ALL STUDENTS OF LIFE. And life is just one experience after another after another after another after another. .. She has to understand THAT SHE IS GOOD. And LIFE IS FULL OF WONDERFUL THINGS TO DO. WE ARE ALL PROGRAMMED. Programmed by life, our experiences... so we can program ourselves again with focus and our own design, not the one that life created. I hope that this was helpful. Good luck, I will enjoy imagining you two taking up new hobbies like bird watching (THE BIG YEAR is one my favorite movies)!! NATURE is one of the most incredible healers as is activity. New challenges will make her say I DID IT!! And in time…life itself will have changed because you changed the landscape. Life is ART We are ART I hope that you make great pictures and enjoy others!!

Looking for group therapy

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Look for a licensed clinical social worker, or psychologist then ask if they specialize in trauma and they will be able to suggest someone if they do not practice in the area your wife needs. ALso the local mental health association can help find someone for her to see or your healthcare insurance provider. THere is also the National Association of Mental Illness (NAMI) to check out as well. Hope this helps.

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