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Embarrassed in front of my crush

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Hello, so lately this one thing that happend isn't leaving my mind ( im sorry for my english, its not my first language). It was a Birthday Party of a friend of mine, and my crush was there, we all drank a little bit but not enough to get really wasted, still we all were a little drunk, so there was a big trampolin in the garden and just for Fun we started to jump on it. And my crush sugessted to do it Topless ( I know that sound ridiculous). I'm really ashamed of my body because im really thin and got now breasts or pretty curves, I just jokingly said that I'm to thin or something like that, my crush (who is really thin too for his height) just calmly told me that he understands my problem and he looks like a skeleton and took his shirt of (like no big deal), I laughed and in this Moment I just wanted to drop all my insecuerties and went along. But my friends showed up and said that is way to embarressing and so I put my Shirt back on (I wore a bra btw.) and we just kinda forgott about it till the next day. I thaught he maybe had forgotten what happend because he forgot most of it, but he cleary remembered this and I just felt sooo Embarresed. I Dont know how to deal with this, I really regrett it and I wish I could change what I did... What should I do? I dont know how to face him in Class anymore, cant blame it on the alcohol because it wasnt that much.

Embarrassed in front of my crush

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I just want to ask you one thing, did your crush say it was an embarrassment for him? Or are you just assuming things and going crazy about it? We all face our own share of embarrassing situations throughout our life and the most graceful thing is to embrace it. You can just go straight and talk to him about it. That would take a little strength to do but, who knows, your crush even may like the straightforwardness in you can start to like you more. Your body, however it looks , you must not be ashamed of it no matter what others say about it. Just live like you want and be what you are and regret nothing. :)

Embarrassed in front of my crush

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Hey, thank you so much it really cheered me up! He kind of laughed about it but not in a rude way, my friends just made me feel really uncomfortable about my actions and I thought maybe he thinks the same way.

Embarrassed in front of my crush

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When we know ourselves, I mean when we REALLY know ourselves... what anyone else thinks of us doesn't really matter. Create a piece of art. First collect your thoughts on this one question WHO AM I? Fill the page with as many answers as you will be adding answers for YEARS AHEAD...but at some point decide that you have a nice list. Then create a poster for your wall or a page in your notebook. You want to place it somewhere that you will see it every single day. Be creative with the project, design your name with glitter, put your photo on it or use a mirror and then surround that design with all of the words that describe who you are. When collecting answers as to who you are consider how you think, what you look for and see, what you say, what you do, what your character is, what your skills are and more. Promote your own growth. There are so many different ways to be creative and have fun!! The more you review something the more it becomes a part of you... just like learning at school... you are teaching your own mind. Don't teach it to get stuck in the past. Be free. Do not repeat bad experiences in your mind over and over again because it will leave a deeper impression on your mind... when you want to forget about it. Knowing who you are also means not letting anyone treat you any less than you deserve to be treated. You are a Princess!! What are some of the qualities that you admire in those that you look up to? Place these words on your poster to inspire you. As for the situation with your crush... What is happening is that he is looking to you and he sees that you are uncomfortable and so he becomes uncomfortable. Just relax and pretend like nothing happened at all. PS. I think that he really likes you because he was so quick to try to make you feel better showing his own insecurities about his own body. So keep things light and fun next time you see him.... natural.. and clearly over what happened. Be happy. Men love to see us happy and free... it relaxes them!! They tend to panic, not knowing what to do when we are unhappy!! Boys can be so sweet!!! I hope this was helpful sweetheart... let me know if there is anything else I can do to help you!!

Embarrassed in front of my crush

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Check out one of my favorite artists and songs... WILLOW SMITH ---- I'M ME.... youtube it.. then download it and add it to your playlists. :)

Embarrassed in front of my crush

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I used to be run by my anxiety of being embarrassed or uncomfortable especially around people I liked. People always say "just embrace it" which is 100% correct but I didn't understand how to just embrace it till not to long ago. The people around me who were always so calm, cool, and collected always seemed to never do anything embarrassing, I was really wrong. They do the same things I do, the only difference is when I do something I treat it like its embarrassing, I show people how uncomfortable with it I am, I treat it like something that would be made fun of. Those other people don't do that. When they do something they treat it like it was the thing to do. Like it was as normal as eating a sandwich. I took a leap and gave it a try and it is incredible. I will give you an example. Me and a group of my friends were going to the store and my friends black truck pulled in next to us, I took the liberty to jump on the truck just to find out that it actually wasn't my friends truck at all. Just some stranger who had a similar truck. I wanted to roll under that truck and just hide it was soo embarrassing. Instead of running in shame I just owned it. I talked with the owner of the car while all my friends laughed and we all just laughed about it. No one teased me or made fun of me at all. If I would have ran away embarrassed like I wanted to do it would have been so much worse. They would have made fun of me. You are the only person who can make anything embarrassing.

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