Not sure what's going on

JUSTWANTTOTALK - Jul 11 2011 at 02:23
I've been on and off with my girlfriend for 4 years. She's told me she doesn't want to have a relationship with me, she said she wants to continue having sex with me.. She wants to come to my house tonight and have sex.. I'm not sure how I feel about this.. Does this mean she wants to talk to other guys, have sex with other guys? I need some advice.
Thank you.
I find this very strange, she doesnt want a relationship and she wants sex, this is much more what a man would think. A woman wants sex INSIDE a relationship. Something is very wrong.
its clear why are you so confused? Its called no strings attachted .
She is clear that she is not in relationship with you and yes if she is not committed she can have sex with anyone she wants to.
Screw her and her mind games bro, the best thing to do is stop all contact with her, but dont be mean to her. Show her your fine without her and show her no weakness. She wants to illicit a reactio from you, she clearly could care less about how much hurt she brings you out of her selfishness. Dont botherwith her man, worst feeling ever but youll grow up from it and learn, and it will help to define you as a person