You guys know what this means?
DANNY1998 - Sep 14 2017 at 22:26
so the other day in class i was staring into space and the girl i liked was looking at me while i was staring at the trash can. Then later I was staring at the wall & when i look over she was Leaning her Head Against her Hand While looking at me & smiling. Then the next day she said ” i don’t know why he looks at me."
I think you're overcomplicating this. You should talk with her as friends. When you are close, then you should talk about your feelings.
Don't be afraid. She may be more excited than you.
Good luck!
yeah but i dont know the other day when i was at the mall with my friends i dont know if she was there or not but when i looked over i saw a guy looking at me but then he looked away. so i guess she saw me and said something and maybe thats why he was looking at me. but i didnt see the girl i just saw the guy so idk? (N) (Y)
Do you know who this guy is? Is he someone she normally hangs out with? Is that why you're assuming she's behind his wanting to check you out?
What was his look like? Was it friendly as well as curious? Or neutral but curious? Or a 'There's obviously my competition' look? What did it strike you as/how did it make you feel?
When there is a misunderstanding... its important to reflect the truth as soon as possible and not in a way that is begging to be understood, but in a strong matter of fact way.
It also helps if you do not wait for them to accept your excuse, but to then rerail the subject towards something else, something that they can identify with.
For instance, if you were spacing out in class.... start talking about how absolutely boring that teacher was!! That way everyone can get on board with THAT topic.
If you leave them hanging.. they will just stay on the same subject... and energy has its way of being created in conflict.
You want smooth things out.. and avoid conflict. Hopefully get them laughing about something else... the whole thing will be forgotten.
As for the girl... it sounds to me as if she thought you were staring at her and she liked it... but because you did not do anything to follow up she ended up feeling a little rejected... so now she is getting all dramatic.
You HAVE TO NOW... ignore it all, play it all off as nothing... don't look in her direction. In time this will all pass.... and you can ask her for homework help or to play a sport or something that is connected to friendship.... and then in time you can see if it will build into something more.
A song you have not heard for some time, but sums life up and is cutely relevant here... ROW ROW ROW YOUR BOAT GENTLY DOWN THE STREAM, MERRILY MERRILY MERRILY MERRILY LIFE IS BUT A DREAM.
I'm quoting this song to remind you to PLAY. Young kids and Seniors know what life is all about... we all get really confused somewhere in the middle.