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Loyalty of spouse

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I have a question about something that has been disturbing me for a long time : What does it mean if your husband tells a female who happens to be a colleague that he is loyal in every way? Leading up to this, he said that she treats him as though she just met him in the street and that he finds this demoralising and then,he said that he was a crazy human being who was loyal in every way. Please can someone shed light on this? Does it mean that he has loyal, committed feelings for her?

Loyalty of spouse

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You can be loyal to your spouse and you can be loyal to your work colleagues who in turn are loyal (or should be) to their employer. The way you post, your husband could possibly feel 'betrayed' by his colleague because she (and her actions) question his loyalty and he being loyal to his employer, takes offense at this. The best way to solve this issue is to talk to your husband to explain the reasoning of his statement.

Loyalty of spouse

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Dear MANALONE, Thank you so much for your reply. That makes sense and I feel like I was very insecure to think anything else of the comments. Thanks again, your wisdom is great!

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