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I feel like I cant even tell him..

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how do i start a conversation that i dont want to have? My boyfriend has previously been caught watching porn on his phone, after an argument about it he promised not to watch it again... (this wwas last month) i deleted his history on google and last night found other links to porn sites again. We were in bed but he had to leave for a little time and then i found it, when he came back i couldnt look at him because i was so hurt...the time he was gone i sat there crying about it...he didnt even notice. am i over reacting? I dont even knoww how to speak to him about this...

I feel like I cant even tell him..

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The fact you need to check your BF's phone should tell you where you stand in your relationship with him. It's never the done thing to have to tamper with his phone nor does he have any right to tamper with yours. It's all OK to have different opinions about porn and of watching porn, but, and going by your post, you need a BF who doesn't watch it or have the need to use it. If he's a guy who has always used it, then he may be addicted to it. You then need to look at why you're with him because not only does it 'grate' against your standards, it also becomes his personal issue to sort by himself. Porn is all OK in a relationship as long as it's a mutual interest and when it's not, it morphs into an ongoing relationship wrecker. Your biggest issue is that your BF (after arguing about it) hides it and uses it behind your back and that action alone, is causing hurt and friction within your relationship. You need a guy whose actions instill trust in your relationship and for you to achieve this, he needs to share your values and interests.

I feel like I cant even tell him..

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He told me it was an addition once but now he doesn't NEED to watch it. I'm 19 and he is 23. It botheres me and we spoke about it, he promised not to watch it again and now after a little while I'm finding these vile 'sloppiest blowjobs' and 'caught in public' videos that I'm really unhappy about. I want to speak to him about it but it always goes one wayear. ..he will say sorry and get upset because I'm mad about it and eventually I have ever to drop it for HIS SAKE.

I feel like I cant even tell him..

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Think you find 99 percent of guys watch it and the one percent that say they don't are probably lying...

I feel like I cant even tell him..

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I understand that guys watch it, I know women that watch it's not the issue of watching it, more of a trust thing. It hurts me that he feels like he needs to watch it behind my back. If he TOLD me he does I wouldnt be so annoyed at him but hiding it makes it hard for me to look at him the same. :-S

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