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Cheating or not?

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I have a boyfriend who is very close to a person he works with. They both are very open and can give hugs or kisses when they feel like it. Is something like this considered cheating? I am even there, so it also could be for fun.. I really don't know.

Cheating or not?

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No it's not cheating, and if you really don't know, you need to talk to your BF about how it effects you. If you feel secure with your BF, and he's open about it, without being disrespectful to you, then you really shouldn't have a problem with it.

Cheating or not?

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I would consider this as cheating too, well, I would think he would not be interested in me at all^^ if that person is a girl, then I would really talk to that guy. Try to get to know how close they are and if they know eacheother already for years^^ a normal kiss is allright though if that's the case, but if they go alittle too far then I should take action. I can't say much, because of the short story, but goodluck^^

Cheating or not?

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So, I had a relationship with USHER. Usher Raymond. And this relationship, imaginary but still powerful.. taught me...that I would be proud to have someone that has the ability to make people feel loved. Its a cold world, there is a lot of suffering, 'every bodies going through something' The Usher of my dreams is a teacher to his own mind. He doesn't get caught up in connections with others, he is fully aware of his role. His role is to help bring peace to others. He would also hope that people want the same for him, and respect that he has a family and limit time with those that do not.

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