Can someone help me keep my life together?
SARLOU - Oct 18 2017 at 12:01
Hi. I'm 26 and my fiance is 27. We have been together nearly 6 years. We have recently moved into a new home (renting) after having an incredibly bad year and having to move back in with my Mum for some time. My father was arrested and sent to prison, leaving my mum with nothing but debt. We had to move in to help support her so she didnt lose her house. We have finally been able to move out and now we are looking at losing everything. My partner has written his car off in a crash. I have some serious medical problems and that ,eams i can;t drive so i have never even learnt to. He has also hit a stumbling block with his new job. He was signed off by the doctor due to injuries in the car crash. His sick pay is minimal and i am on a minimum wage. We cant afford our rent, our bills, we haven't had food in the house for weeks. Its putting so much pressure on us that i'm scared i will lose him all together. Both our families aren't in a a position to help us. What do i do? How can i start getting some money coming in ASAP so that i dont lose my home, my relationship? We have struggled financially for so many years on and off. My health problems are made worse by stress and right now i am struggling to keep my own job due to my health. Is there anything i can do? Please if someone has any ideas i would be so grateful. We have nothing of any worth to sell. We have nothing. Please. I'm desperate :( :( :(