Dated a woman for the first time, things got messy... Help
GIVINGTOOMUCH94 - Oct 29 2017 at 23:55
REcently dated a woman for the first time. Things weren't terrible, but I feel like I made a mistake and made her fall for me when I didn't love her they way she loves me. It wasn't an expirement, but I really liked her and I figured what could go wrong? if it doesn't work out then oh well... Well I was way wrong about that. We dated for 8 months to a year. I really care for her, but shes so stuck on me, I just want to go back to being single and dating men eventually. Im scared for her life.
We were dating, yes she is threatening suicide...
She has one friend who doesn't want to get involved. Shes had a really crappy upbringing, never had anyone constant in her life.
She was really attached to me, she fell in love, I have come to care about her. But I do not want to be with her anymore. She hasn't done anything wrong to cause me to want to leave her. But I just don't feel the same way anymore.