Am i just being silly

SOCONFUSED2017 - Nov 2 2017 at 22:05
So my partner and i have been together for some time now. We have some problems but then what relationship doesnt.
Anyway a couple of weeks ago he was getting messages from a girl he works with, (should add here i wasnt going through his phone or anything just saw it flash up on his phone) saying that 'i will wait after i finish and then we can just get your lift to come later' and didnt think anything of it until when i asked him later what the conversation had been about he said his facebook was hacked and his messages were deleted. (Note that only this girls conversation was gone. No one elses)
Forward a few days and hes now hiding his phone from me. Admittedly this time curiosity got the better of me and i looked once he was asleep, he had created a new snapchat to speak with the same girl from a few days before, obviously no comversations remain but i could see multiple picture messages sent between them and the most recent from her (which i opened) said 'im in bed now baby why whats up? Xxxx' this time i didnt ask him about it but it did get to me.
Now this week he has been getting emails from a dating website. (Note we share an email address) at first i ignored them thinking they were spam until one came up saying 'X has agreed to your sex proposal' so again being stupidly curious i clicked on the link to find the profile on the website has all my partners details and has been sending messages the past few days including this apparent sex proposal to a local girl.
So heres my dilema (and thanks if your still reading by now) do i confront him about this, or do i ignore it to maintain the peace? My head is ringing all sorts of alarm bells now but my heart says he wouldnt do that to me. Thanks x
Your guy's actions are speaking and if you can find his details on a dating site, then he put them there, rather than it being just spam. Sure, you can stay quiet and 'keep the peace' but the peace that you want to maintain is really just the betrayal and loss of trust of your relationship.
Rather than your head ringing alarms bells, it's your gut instinct which is talking to you and it's rarely wrong because when a guy loves and respects his woman, he surely doesn't bother with dating websites or bother to hide his phone from her.
Oh my god you poor thing your head must be all over the place with this!
Your title for this post is "am I just being silly" you are not!
Firstly, why is he messaging this girl at work, and why is she calling him 'baby'? I could be wrong but I highly doubt this is all innocent!
My advice, is talk to him. Tell him who you've seen,and how it makes you feel. You deserve to know the truth!
If he wants to play the field then that is his stupid decision, you do not need to put up with it!
Calmly try and speak to him. Sit down, and ask for the truth and then make your decision on what you are going to do (move on or stay with him)
Its very easy for me to say dump him and move on, but its not my heart that's involved.
Hope this is of some help x