Marriage - what is he doing? Thoughts & advice

LOVESTHECOAST - Nov 6 2017 at 15:40
Need advice on the following please, I don't really have anyone to reach out to in confidence, thank you.
I found an email, in my husband's account, showing he completed some sort of love profile for couples and then forwarded the survey results to a personal email address. I asked him about it and he said he does surveys about us from time to time and he didn't remember who the person/email was that he forwarded the survey to. this was a couple days ago and we've barely talked since. am I somewhat correct in thinking this is odd and just not sounding "right"? I feel sick and just need a gut check since I can't trust any close friends or family to keep this to themselves.
You need to ask your husband why he needs to do this behind your back without your knowledge. He really does need to remember where he has sent personal details of you both whether 'anonymously' or not and he owes you an explanation rather than a somewhat blase "cant remember". It's all OK to do surveys as a matter of fact(and some surveys can be dangerous as spam etc) but regardless, your shared marriage details are not your husbands to send off via email to whoever he can't remember.
Your gut instinct is kicking in because of his actions but the most telling action is his not discussing it with you first and if your marriage is sound, and he does have issues, then you're the person he should be discussing it with first and's that simple.
LTC, please read the thread above yours entitled Facebook is ruining my life, help!, and talk to the notes.