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Just married

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I've been married less than a week and my husband hasn't kissed me after the first two days of marriage. When I asked him about it, he said what was he suppose to do put his tongue down my throat everyday. Now, I feel like something is wrong with me.

Just married

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Maybe try and ask him is there something bothering him, because its odd and tell him how its making you feel. It is strange but there could be a simple explanation. Best of luck

Just married

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Rendered, "When I asked him about it, he said what was he suppose to do put his tongue down my throat everyday." Answer: YES. No, there's nothing wrong with you. Had there been an argument beforehand? Did he seem sulky and 'off'? Or did he seem the same as usual, apart from having slipped that maritally-non-conducive attitude in via the back door?

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