How to push through loneliness
BETTY1212 - Nov 12 2017 at 19:59
I have been single now for 7 months and haven't so much as gone out on a single date. No one seems interested in me, and the thought of starting a relationship with anyone exhausts me. I feel overwhelmed thinking about dating and trying to figure out what people's intentions are, dealing with incompatibilities and trying to find the partner that's right for me. I also feel like I never meet anyone new and I'm very introverted so I have a really difficult time with that.
How can I push through my feelings of loneliness? I'm not used to being single and I didn't end my relationship - I am so uncomfortable and feeling hopeless.
Seriously, you are not alone. There are many introverts and even some extroverts who are also stuck in life. Don’t give up! Just consider this a new adventure. Take baby steps and try to enjoy life whatever you are doing?
You didn’t mention how old you are, or how long you were in the relationship that ended? Have you tried online dating? I know a few people who finally tried online dating, and it was amazing how well it turned out. But, if you’re not ready for a new relationship, maybe think about helping others. You’d be surprised how rewarding it is to volunteer for a good cause. And it might take your mind off your loneliness?
If you are a person of faith, you could get involved with a church. God love you and has a purpose for you in life. I am sending you a couple links below: I’d love to hear how you are doing after you check out these sites?
I'm 27 and the relationship was 2.5 years long. I haven't tried online dating just because I feel really weird meeting up with strangers and I'm at the stage in my life where I want to take things seriously and eventually settle down, and I worry that most people on dating apps aren't interested in that mind set.
I also am not a person of faith, but I do have a really great family and good friends, and a job that is really challenging which I love. I will definitely check those links out, thank you!
I've been single for about 2 years now. I am an introvert much like yourself, and was only involved in one relationship prior to being single.
Tried the online dating thing. Kind of gave up on it after like 20 months. I went on 3 or 4 dates and tried to get more serious with 2 women, but it didn't work out and both of those things were done within 3 weeks or so. Most ppl don't respond or aren't interested with online dating, even on the pay ones. But I am a man, for women I imagine it's easier to at least get a response.
Still feel like in person is the best bet. But that is rough too. People just don't care. Most of them will talk and even open up and chat for a few hours, and exchange numbers.....but then, they have to be interested in you too. Usually they aren't. That's kind of where I'm stuck now, on finding someone deserving of my love and energy.
I think the best advice I can give you is the one my friends gave me: to let love find you instead of constantly searching for it. That's easier said than done, and the reality is that many years may pass before you find someone with a mutual interest, who is worth getting to know better. But most of the women who I've gotten hopeful about just disappointed. It's best to wait for someone who comes into your life and aligns with everything else you have going on.
Be yourself, try to focus on your life and things that make you happy. And in time, a partner who is a potential match for you is bound to turn up in some corner of your world.
A member of my family tried online dating when she was about your age, (and I was worried about her). She did connect with a guy who was a 97% match. But, out of FEAR she ignored him.
6 months later her cousin introduced her to this great worship leader. And now they have been happily married for 7 years.
It turns out that this guy with the 97% match online: is the same guy her cousin introduced her to 6 months later.
Of course, people of faith would call this a divine intervention.
I hope you find the peace you’re looking for?