Opening an exclusive relationship
ALYSHA - Nov 15 2017 at 15:05
Hey , I'm just 16 years old and i've been in a relationship with someone 5 years older than me for like 1 and a half year. I made the relationship exclusive last time, but now it turns out that i prefer to have that freedom of being in an open relationship. I came to a realisation that i'm still really young and want to explore more. Is there anyway of turning back?
well, I suppose you are a girl and tbh that guy is just using you.
Why do you think the guy is using me though?
Er, yes, same question from me, Mingliao. Did you perhaps post a response onto the wrong thread?
Alysha, are you asking how one should go about basically asking one's (for your age/stage) fairly long-term boyfriend to agree to a demotion from Steady down to Casual?
Yup , that's basically it
But why do you believe he'd even entertain the idea of having only "a bit of one", rather than want to break it off to simply go and find himself "a whole one"?
Ugh idk because i think i mean alot to him, plus im just a young and confused fellow