Please give me advice
REDNECKGAL - Dec 24 2017 at 00:29
Me and my bf have been having problems with one of his girl friends and ik it's wrong but I put a spy app on his phone that records live recordings and I heard them talking about me the other day and he told her that she could call his phone anytime she wanted and she said ik but I don't like to Instagte anything and the she started talking about a stat I posted in my fb and stuff and I was wanting to know what should I do I know how guys are when u talk about one of there friends but ik for a fact this girl likes him and I don't think there doing anything but I think since he knows it makes me mad he keeps on being friendly with her I really need to know how I can solve this problem BC it's really aggravating me
I can't get past, "I put a spy app on his phone." That's not right nor is it legal in most places. Stop that and your problem will go away.