No sex

TIGER - Jan 15 2006 at 14:39
my boyfriend is 41 years of age and we not had sex for 3 months i am 27 years of age
i am very frustrated i have tried wearing sexy underwear to turn him on and other ways
can anyone give me advice thanks
get rid
my advice is his too old for you maybe he hasnt go the strenth to do it... Your only twenty seven and your still quite young...
If you dont ant to get rid of him try giving him blowjobs that difently turn bloke on
hi sexy_babe i will take your advice i have tried to give him a blow job but he is not interested why should i bother any more i have not got heart to kick him out because deep down i still love him i do not know what to do anymore for the best
Hi tger
I can understand where you coming from. Maybe that his just tired after work? or stress out of smethin? The best thing to do is to talk to him..
Goodluck + keep me posted
hi, i have had a similar situation to yours so i do know how you feel right now but let me tell you the problem doesnt lay with you its with your partner.
i am 34 (f) and my partner is 29 (M) and hes not really that interested in sex so we argued about it alot and he ended up saying so yur pressurizing me into having sex? anyhow after that arguement i decided never to bring it up again and to just get on without worrying about sex or wether he fancies me etc etc and this seems to have taken lots of pressure off us both and sex is more frequent and more enjoyable now :) hope this is some help to you! remember men get worried about sex too and wether they are good enough, wether there performance is as good as youve had before and most of all wether they satisfy you! maybe a little reassurance is all he needs take care x
I have had sex once in the last three months but the feelings was not the same he just gave me sex to please me. because i had just come in from a girls nights out i am just laying back to see what happens thank you for your advice and i will see how it goes
Could it be that your boyfriend feels unworhty of you, sort of the father figure, (forgive me) age gap relationships are good and do work, sometimes all of us no matter how old need "me time", maybe he has been ribbed about the relationship with you and feels he is either too old or not good enough for you.
Maybe he is going through the male menapause thing, talking can be a great help in situations like this, OR simply being with each other, not trying to make things happen, just laughing, spending time with each other, being there for each other, sharing a tub of ice cream or a beer or two.
Sometimes we all go off the physical side of a relationship, given time this could turn around and who knows he could end up being a "tiger" in the bedroom again.
Could it be that the sexy underwear is not his thing, or could it be his own insecurites and self worth that have taken a knock.
All manner of issues may be underneath this, I suggest you simply be with each other and not push the issues, when people feel preassurised that only seems to make things worse, no matter how good your intentions have been.
Maybe his sex drive has not passed its MOT, sometimes no matter what a woman does a man simply needs to rest, who knows you might even be wearing him out.
Just give it time my sweet
maybe he is gay?