Lied to my face
PEBBAXXX - Feb 1 2018 at 22:10
husband of 21 years as been caught out by me with images of women on his laptop. he as looked at porn in the past and i found out, told him it really hurt me and what it did to my confidence. he said he would not look at it again but i still found it on his laptop and he had videos of porn as well now all these years later he is doing it again. he said he looked at it when i was out. he as always said he is up to nothing and as nothing to hide then i find this. i only found out by looking at his bank statement then i saw some other things on there and thats how i came across the images. all the trust as gone and im thinking of divorcing him. ive had enough. i tried to build up the trust and thought we were ok again but he went and done this. i said why didnt he delete it he said he forgot and it was weeks ago he looked at it. its all lies. he as kepted it there so he can look whenever he wants to. told him hes addicted said hes not. told him i will fight him all the way now. i went up to his face and felt like thumping him, he then got a knife out the draw and said to use that instead. he as done this before with the knife when i have been right up to his face and wanted to hit him for what he as done to me. some women can put up with porn im not one of them and i dont look at porn myself i use my imagination instead. i feel so shocked and hurt and now i know this is the end cos of him , i cant go back. he was on dating sites years ago then he had a text from a woman saying she was back off holiday he denied he knew her. then found a message from a swinging date site denied it said his account email account must of been hacked. also found he had taken out loan last year and this year behind my back so years of lies upon lies as left me with little confidence and i realise he as to get out of my life. how do women stay with men who are addicted to porn and how can they have a good relationship when he is looking at other women, how?
A bit peculiar, weren't you on a previous thread saying your "he" your husband had his prostate removed? You're not on trial just curious.
Correct me if I'm wrong and many apologies of course if I am
Yes that's right that's me
Oh ok now I realize that this thread was before the other one and you were catching up to SUSIEDQQ to give her more information about this situation no?
Scopes, what do you mean it's nothing to do with other women or porn? Isn't he a addict because he keeps returning to it. I think he is and when he says he will stop and Can stop but doesn't and he goes back to it then to me he's addicted to it.
PEBBA I think there's a slight misunderstanding about what I said. In either case I would have to agree with SUSIEDQQ about counseling. Or maybe check out
Hope this helps :-D