We share land, home and run a business together but I need out
VEGFARMER - Feb 26 2018 at 00:33
My partner and I run a business together and also recently purchased property together. I have been aware for awhile now that I am very unhappy in the relationship and have tried to leave in the past. He becomes extremely angry and we cannot talk through the splitting process. He has managed to convince me that my desire to leave is irrational and has absolutely refused to break up.
It feels like, if I want to leave him, I need to totally abandon all of the assets from the business and lose my investment in our land. Does anyone have any experience with this? I love my work so much but it is to the point that i am ready to choose my emotional well being over the business.
SUSIEDQQ is right. I walked away from a 24 yr marriage, businesses, homes, and other "stuff". I took my personal belongings and abandoned the rest. It was costing me my sanity, and quality of life. I realized at that point, the stuff owned me more than I owned it, and it just wasn't worth it anymore.
Get out before you get even more entangled. Get your own place, a good lawyer, and consider it a fresh start.
I was married to my husband for 6 years (two boys) and we divorced and were divorced for 7 years. I walked away from everything. I wouldn’t do that again. It was very hard.
Not to make this a long story but my husband and I got back together. He worked on my sons and with the decline of the economy and building industry (my field), I went back. We have been back together for 10 years now and I’m in the same unhappy, miserable situation I was before. I’ve been planning (with my sons pushing) to leave again. We own property with sizable equity and I refuse to just walk away. I have worked just as hard and don’t feel that he should get everything.
I’m sorry for what you are going through. Believe me I understand. I am just so tired of being unhappy