Having trust issues and she saying I’m controling

THEHATEDBOYFRIEND - Feb 27 2018 at 17:54
Well main problem is I feel we don’t feel the same as before. I try to change for her and do things and I feel I get no love or anything back
If you need to change for someone it is possible you are with the wrong person. Be you and be happy being you and someone will love you for that. So many men try to pretend to be someone they are not to meet and date women but eventually the true person comes out and they wonder why their relationship falls apart. The right partner will love for who you really are and that will be the best relationship you could ever be in. Love yourself and be happy!
TOPCAT nailed it. I spent 24 years feeling unloved, thinking it would somehow get better. It didn't. I finally left. I thought I wasn't the loveable kind, and accepted I'd be on my own forever, and still, I was so much happier! Then, I met someone that changed everything. He adores me, as is. Every day I have to pinch myself because it seems too good to be true. But it is true. And I want everyone to experience this kind of love at leas once. I highly recommend this kind of relationship upgrade. I'll never settle again. Neither should you!
Man, this must be frustrating, especially since you have put an effort in this relationship. I assume you still want involvement with this person. I hope you agree with the previous posts that being yourself is always a good plan. But let’s also try some constructive communication. She must be worth it.
Perhaps you can share with her that you feel your relationship is “stuck” and it may be your fault. Ask her what has changed in this relationship from where you thought it was. Or perhaps you can share that you want more from this friendship but don’t know what she wants. Any demonstration of sensitivity can create a bond of trust which should allow honest communication and feelings.
I’ll be anxious to hear how this interaction works for you (and her). Please keep in touch.