Has my bf committed a crime and do I run and / or report him to police?
SOCONFUSED12345 - Mar 7 2018 at 20:10
My bf of several years has had a history of lying about his finances to me. Bottom line, after much investigation, I've learned he used his elderly mother's credit cards for restaurants, liquor stores (often), food stores and even a car wash (in the middle of the winter), but not always paid her credit card accounts on time so in addition to a lot of interest, there are late fees. He is her power of attorney and she doesn't have much money of her own. He is her only child and she is a widow but isn't this illegal or at least unethical?
He was unemployed for several months and I can't tell if his usage of one of the cards was only during this time or not but I do know that he used her other card to pay his car insurance and even his concierge doctor well before he was unemployed! What is a broke person going to a concierge doctor for anyway??!!!
What should I do?? HELP!!!!!
Ask a lawyer in the country of which you reside to look into it because there's different laws concerning power of attorney in different parts of the world. As for being unethical or immoral, it depends on the circumstances and it also depends on how you feel about it. At base, it's none of your business, but if you're with him and you benefit from his spending of other people's money and you don't like it, then it's your decision to act on it, as well as it is his lying about it to you.
Hi SoConsused,
Ultimately, it's not your concern, because if he's committing some sort of crime or civil indiscretion he's doing it without your knowledge. Keep it that way is what I'd say, because if he's doing something illegal you're best not being implicated in any way, (ie; knowingly benefiting from his ill-gotten gains - depends what country you live in, but in some jurisdictions could be legally considered an accessory to fraud or some such).
I would suggest that if you're involved with someone who sees it necessary to lie to you about money, then you can't trust that person, and that begs the question, "Why are you with someone you know you can't trust?"