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Long distance love

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I've fallen in love with a British girl since about 2 months ago. I made friendship with her and now we are best friends. But about 2 weeks ago I knew that she has a boyfriend. I got very upset about it. But she doesn't believe in love and has never loved anybody in relationship way. There's a long distance between us as we are in 2 different continents. We are BFFs and we don't have any problems but everytime I remember that she has a bf it makes me unhappy. I really love her so much and so dependent to her <3 does anybody can help somehow?

Long distance love

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Has she ever expressed romantic feelings for you?

Long distance love

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No, She doesn't believe in love and has never been in love with anybody, But she likes me soo much as her best friend.

Long distance love

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Well that doesn't leave you much of a choice but to just move on. If it's too hard for you to be just her friend, then respectfully back away from the friendship, give yourself time to find your feet again, then focus on meeting people you can actually connect with. Unrequited love is not easy to get over, but the sooner you take steps to move past your romantic feelings for someone that has no intention of returning them, the better. I wish I had more hopeful words for you....

Long distance love

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But I can't leave her. What if I tell her to break her relationship?

Long distance love

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and as I said, she doesn't believe in love, so she can't love anybody in relationship way.

Long distance love

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Yes. You can. And you should. She doesn't owe you those feelings back. If she tells you she only wants to be friends, you need to respect that. If you're thinking she'll "come around", you need to rethink your motivations. If you can be her friend, and not expect anything romantic, then do that. She's told you who she is and you need to believe she knows herself and honor that. She may be asexual/aromantic. And there's nothing wrong with that. Not everyone needs or wants sexual and/or romantic connection. Whether that's her orientation or not, she will not respond well to pressure for more than what she's offering.

Long distance love

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If you want to try and tell her to end her current relationship, you will not like how that works out for you. That's not being a good friend. If she wanted to end it, she would do that. If you can't drop your romantic and/or sexual feelings for her, then you really do need to back away and move on.

Long distance love

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She hasn't told to just be friends, but according to your speeches I think I should be just her friend and don't have any other choice. Do you mean that I shouldn't tell her to do? won't she accept if I tell her?

Long distance love

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Being just friends is a good thing here. For all concerned. And, I'm thoroughly confused as to why you believe you should tell her what to do? Or that she should listen? She's known you 2 months. She's already in a relationship. If you try to tell her what to do, with the absurd expectation she do as you say, this will not end well for you. It will end, just not well.

Long distance love

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OK, so I'll just be her friend. thanks.

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