Head spinning need help
6LUE - Mar 22 2018 at 19:46
There are two guys n my life. One I been with for bout 10 years. We have 3 kids together. I love him but he is mentally abusive and use to be physically abusive. Not do much any more. The other guy is so sweet loving and caring but even though him and Da baby mother is separated I don't think he is over her. He run everytime she call and don't talk to her on the phone in front of me. Im confused what do i do
Sounds like you need to think about what you want, and what you don't. And with the above descriptions, I believe you need better options.
If it were me, I'd end both relationships and stay single until I met someone that was good to and for me. I did that for myself awhile back, and spent some time focusing on me. That led me out of some very unhealthy and unhappy relationships, and into the love of my life. I highly recommend the upgrade.