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Please give advice soon

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So three years ago, I dated this girl and I really loved her. Back then, I wasn’t in a good place, and I was already drifting away from her into a group of bad influences. I eventually ran away and tried to kill myself. She came to me after these events happened and said she was so so sorry, that she thought it was her fault, and was truthfully concerned for me. So now, three years later, she messaged me on Instagram that she’d like to be friends again. I accepted, she was a really good friend of mine, and I’m more mentally stable now. Tonight i was looking at suggested accounts on Instagram, and I found her other account. I know it’s hers, 100%. It’s filled with long paragraphs about how she still feels like it’s her fault and she still loves me and tons of tiny thoughts. Someone might find this obsessive, but I am overwhelmed with sadness that I made her feel this way, and I find this really romantic. One of the things about our relationship and her posts, we always hung out at this creek, all the posts are of the creek. I texted her and asked her to meet me there Saturday. WHAT DO I DO??? Like I immediately want to hug her and cry but then what? Tell her I found her account? Tell her I love her??? IM NOT GOOD AT THISSSSS HELP

Please give advice soon

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Thank you guys, you have given me more to think about this situation

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