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Fighting parents

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My parents are constantly arguing, over every little thing. This isnt a new thing, this has been going on for years. This may seem strangem but i really think they would be better off splitting up. But they wont split because they are catholics are they dont believe in divorce. They arent happy, i cant believe they love each other and they are making me and my brothers lives a misery. I cant bear to live at home anymore, but i havent got a job at the moment and I have no where else to go. I havent spoken to them about the situation, but I know they wouldnt do anything about it anyway... they may feel guilty and sorry about it, but they value their catholic views more (even though life like this is anything but catholic). Eveyone here is miserable. Has anyone else experienced similar problems? and are their any suggestions that may be able to help? Thanks in advance to anyone that responds.

Fighting parents

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Hi (whatever your real name is), I havent experienced the same problems as you, but I hope that you find a solution to your problems. I can understand how their religeous background is keeping them together, and it could be peer-pressure from friends and family or something simple like financial dependence that are holding things together for now. You didn't say how close you are to your brothers, but I think that if you are both of the same opinion, that you should support each other where possible, to overcome the difficulties you are facing. If they are making your lives such a misery, then I think I would lock myself in my bedroom or spend as much time as possible outside the house with my friends - but I don't know what your circumstances are, so suggestions would be difficult for me to make. If you are close to people in the Catholic circle (at Church for example), then maybe there is someone you can confide in there, to see what they think you can do - but you need to be careful in case your parents find out about it and get really mad that you didn't approach them first. I guess that even if you speak to people who have been in similar situations on the face of it, their circumstances could be different and any actions they have been successful with could result in a different outcome for yourself just because they are a different group of individuals. Weigh up the positives and negatives of the situation. If you do speak to them about this, then perhaps you could take the religious angle and say that things aren't right, but I wouldn't try and make them feel guilty because this could make them push you away and they just dismiss your comments. What you should think about is the "family unit", about how you are all going to get on better, and have an improved life together. Good luck, I've got my fingers crossed for you...

Fighting parents

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Hi babe my parents are catholic i mean strict too. all you godda do is talk to them heart to heart and tell them thats its breaking your hurt you argue constantly..I think its becasue one of htem is cheating or moiney problem perhaps?

Fighting parents

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i think your being a little bit selfish if thats how your parents wanna liv vere lives let them make it look like your strong for them remember religion is sometimes a big thinf they were probaly brought up bein like that instead of takin the action you have chosen at the moment try different ways in which you could help them improve sudgest a holiday or a romantic dinner for them youd be surprised on how good it works good luck

Fighting parents

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First off all ring child line on 0800 1111. Secondly look after ur brother at the moment times are tough u 2 need 2 stick 2gether. thirdly start looking for jobs get yourself some cash and get a flat for u and ur little brother untill they can stop bickering tell them that ur going away until u can stop this arguing

Fighting parents

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I agree totally there is some little problem going on but if you are really bumbed then call child line 0800 1111

Fighting parents

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I totally hear you. It funny some of the articles I see makes me want to become a counsellor or relationship support person. I (we) tried a very good ‘DIY’ relationship support service on the net called the couple connection and it was a tremendous support. Other talking about the same issues and learning from others about how to deal with situations amicable. Google search Whats great its a free service too; and they have a thing called the listening room where you get real time support too at certain times of the day.

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