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My mother won’t let me travel on my own, even though I am 18?

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Hello! I turned 18 last month and recently asked my mother if I could go on a trip by myself from florida to Washington for a week. She said “no, you’re not a full adult until you are 18”. Is this ridiculous or do you agree? I’m legally an adult and feel as if I should be able to travel if I’m paying in full, and I hate having to wait until I’m 21 to travel because by then I’ll have a lot more responsibilities and bills than I do now. I want to travel to these states because they are where I am considering moving to after college, but she does not care. Do you find it ridiculous that she won’t let me travel on my own until I’m 21? Thanks.

My mother won’t let me travel on my own, even though I am 18?

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Without knowing why your mother feels that way I would say, you're 18, you're an adult, it's no longer your mother's right to tell you what to do. If you've led a sheltered life then I could understand your mother's concern, there's a lot of bad people out there in the world and most of them are looking for naive people to prey on, but if you're level-headed you have to start being an independent adult some time. Perhaps she'd be more comfortable with it if you were going with friends instead of on your own?

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