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Partner of five years made a snapchat specifically to talk to his ex..

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Basically we've been together 5+ years have a child and we're expecting another. When I was last pregnant he done something similar ish to me except without making a Snapchat. Except the other girl told him to leave her alone and filled me in as I know her. I know this girl too though but she's different. Not nice at all enjoys behaving inappropriately. A few years back she was hitting on him and I told her where to go but now it seems my partner is back to his normal ways and she is desperate enough to be that girl. Believe me, I understand he is the issue here but this girl is contributing with her actions (willing to break up a family with him). So he made a Snapchat to talk to her even though I saw they had been talking on Facebook (I don't snoop it just lights up on his phone lock screen). He made one even though he said it was lame when I've asked him a fee times to make one, called it and me stupid. So the fact he's made one to talk to her? I confronted him and he said I was acting weird. I don't know what to do this isn't a juvenile relationship his behaviour just often is..

Partner of five years made a snapchat specifically to talk to his ex..

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This is a terrible girl. Does not she understand that you are expecting a second child. She will not be happy on your grief.

Partner of five years made a snapchat specifically to talk to his ex..

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Hi SUNSHINEXO. Thanks for sharing. It appears you are doing the right thing. You confronted him on this issue and his relationship with the other girl and that is not weird. That is appropriate. Do you feel threatened by this girl? Do you feel she has the influence to break up your family? Does your boyfriend and father of your children have the capacity to allow this to happen? If you answer yes to any or all these questions, you may need to approach your boyfriend again and this time with some definite expectations in your relationship. Let me know how it goes.

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