Which brother is the dad?? Please help with DNA results
STARGLITTER - May 20 2018 at 02:48
I'm hoping that someone can help me with this issue. I'm embarrassed with this but here goes.. Okay...my daughter's father passed away several years ago. I decided to finally have a DNA test done on her and her dad's brother. They call it an Avuncular test. Well...the results came back with his brother looking more like the father. The relatedness index was over 1,000. They share A LOT of the same DNA. I didn't think too much about this until it was brought to my attention. I'm freaking out now! Can someone please help me. Does it sound more like he is the father?
I should have explained more in detail. It's embarrassing to admit but I was also with the brother so it's a possibility of him being the dad although the times that I would have conceived add up more with the brother who passed away. I really thought there was nothing to worry about when this test was taken and it was only done because I wanted proof of who my daughter's father was. Since he's dead, it was decided that his brother would take this test called an Avuncular test. Well, the results came back with him looking more like the father. The relatedness index was over 1,000. There is already someone else questioning it and asking if he's really her dad and I'm stressed. I would have never agreed to this test if I knew it would be like this. So....is it possible that the brother is really her dad?